I've got a bunch of simple automation rules. I don't really know which are 1.1 or 1.2. Is 1.1 going away, and making all my rules obsolete? That'd be a shame, lol. I'm not really paying attention to these things since stuff is working. Thanks.
Also, how about Rule Machine and Rule Machine Legacy? I've got some garage door rules under Legacy. Is Legacy, and hence my rules, going away? Stuff is working, I don't want to mess with it.
There is a post about 2.2.8 and you do not have to re-do rules. At some point rule machine legacy goes away, but your rules will be transferred to RM and you will not need to update them unless you want to. Read through post below.
I thought I read that RM legacy would be transferred to RM5 at some point, but now I am not sure as I don't see that in the post. It is made clear, however, you do not need to change any older rules.
Rule Machine legacy will not go away and all your rule will continue to work and be editable but starting in 2.2.9 you will no longer be able to create new RM Legacy rules.
Just as a side note, while this is true, you can still clone existing legacy rules apparently. (I've not tried so cannot confirm).
So if you have an existing legacy rule, just clone it and then edit it to do what you wish. May as well go do a RM5 rule though if you have to do this.
Not sure why anyone would want to cling to Rule-4.1. Rule 5.1, coming out in Release 2.2.9 (in beta) offers a number of new features and improvements, is faster and more efficient. But, yeah, you will be able to clone 4.1 rules to create new ones.
No, it just lives on as Rule Machine Legacy. Nothing transfers.
There will in fact be a new version of Simple Automation Rules in 2.2.9. However, all existing Simple Automation Rules will continue to work, and be editable. The new version simply offers an improvement that is not backwards compatible (having to do with variable time triggers). Whenever we bring out a new version of an app, the old one continues to work as before, and there's no reason or need to redo any existing rules.
I like the sound of that.
Will there be a way to upgrade 5.0 rules to 5.1?
I expect the answer will be “no” but just asking
No. The entire reason we change to a new version is because there are changes that defy backwards compatibility. That also means that forward conversion couldn't happen without a great deal of effort, which makes no sense to expend,.
Sounds good; I have to do nothing, lol.
When these changes to a new Rule 5.x occur, it would be very helpful if Hubitat would publish a thread (maybe make a sticky) that clearly tells us how to clone a rule to move it over. That would allow us to run only one Rules engine, and avoid the common problem of a solution being buried somewhere deep within a discussion thread.
This is not possible. Rules cannot be "moved over" from one version to another.
The problem that I, and many "non-elite"/everyday/maybe-borderline-Luddite-but-not-intentionally-so users have is when companies "improve" an app, and we're forced to either then manage two apps (legacy and new) or rewrite our old stuff. I'm not blaming anyone, or saying that progress shouldn't occur, but it frankly becomes a PITA. Most everyday users likely have fairly simple needs handled by "rules" that we just want to run on the most recent platform to keep things simple. But sooner rather than later, that seems to become impossible. Sigh...
So would it be worth moving from 5.0 rules to 5.1 rules in all cases? or just some?
I'm one of those people that just does it cos' it's there.
Probably none. Up to you.
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