Have I missed something? I have a button which, when pushed, simulates the button on my thermostat to switch from "regular" to "eco" mode. I'd like to have it switch to eco overnight. But you can't seem to choose a button as the device activated by a simple automation rule. True?
In order to make this work, I had to create a scene which does essentially nothing, but which, when activated, pushes the specified button. Then I can make a simple automation rule that turns on the scene activator. Seems overly complex for "simple" automation!
Iām just spit balling as Iām not sure exactly how you are accomplishing this. Could you use a virtual switch instead with auto-off (ie momentary) to act as the button?
I feel like a barely got this to work with a button (with someone else's help actually). I guess that would be possible. Buttons are a little weird for sure. But I don't quite get why scenes (and not groups) have a "push button when scene is activated", but nothing else seems to be able to use them. Anyway, thanks for the thought.
Well duh! [Headslap] . I just had my head so much into the simple automation that I did not even thing of the slightly more complex but way-easier-than-my-solution answer. Thanks!
(Still seems like simple automation should be able to press a button as well as throw a switch, but...)
Simple Automation is an "upgrade" from Simple Lighting in this past update. I think they are planning to roll out some enhancements in the future by the way Bruce talked about it.
So it might get the ability in the next update or two. It has been just over a month since the last major update. We are almost due for a new update if their normal schedule holds up.
I also want a few enhancements, there are some very obvious ones missing that need to be in there to really make this work for most people so we don't have to use Rule Machine most of the time.
The reason for this, and the genesis of actions to push a button, comes from Lutron integrations. In Lutron buttons exist on keypads and Picos that when pushed do all sorts of things, some of which are not even part of the Hubitat system. The Lutron integration allows these to be pushed to accomplish those things. For example, a Lutron keypad button might activate a scene that is programmed in the Lutron system, but not part of Hubitat. So when creating a Scene in Hubitat, there was a user request to be able to push such a button, so that the Hubitat Scene, when activated, would also activate the Lutron scene.
If you are using a virtual button for some reason, odds are there is an easier way to do what you want, that would not entail pushing a button at all. Perhaps if you provided more information about what you're trying to accomplish, another approach could be described.
You should be aware, for example, that a virtual switch can be a momentary device, acting like a button. When you turn it on, it automatically turns back off again after a settable time. This type of switch can be used instead of a virtual button, and then your Simple Automation can just turn on the switch, whereas now you're trying to push a button. In Dashboard, these can even be made to look like a pushable button with the Momentary template.
Thanks very much for all the great info. I'll have to check again to see if I can use a switch to do this. It has to do with a Stelpro thermostat and trying to switch it from eco to normal mode and back, which is not a totally normal thing to do either. I'll have to check and play a bit (after saving a copy of my setup!)