Simple Automation Rules - to have earlier/later of two times

Would be nice to little bit expand functionality - adding not only 'at certain time', but also (as in Mode Manager) ability to specify two times with choice earlier/later of.

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At what point does it stop being "Simple"?


IMHO - not yet :slight_smile:

As well having two or more schedules for same Simple rule - still Simple.
Very common usage - to have some lights switched ON at morning and evening.
If it fits one rule, not two - very useful and Simple, IMHO.

Human nature is such that it is Simple when it does only what I want. Adding features that other people want is just too much complexity. :grinning:

It’s a tough line to walk.

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I have a simplistic way of thinking about it: If a request fits cleanly and easily into the existing UI and execution model, it has a chance of being added. If a requested feature requires either new UI or new execution model, it has a very low chance.

Earlier/later of two times is useful, I grant that. It's also tricky to implement. I'll think about it, but can say right off it doesn't fit well the criteria I just stated. On the other hand, dealing with time is hard no matter what, so best I can say is 'maybe'.


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