Simple Automation: Restrict Only the Trigger Does Not Seem To Fully Work Properly

I have several simple automation motion rules that are restricted by time.

I don't want a light to remain on if the restriction is turned on while the lamp is on.

To get around this, I have made additional rules to turn off the light 1 minute after the restriction ends,

I thought I could get a little fancy and set the restriction to "Restrict Only the Trigger".

After doing so, I discovered that this works: the light turns off at the rule's delay duration, say 5 minutes, after motion stops even after the restriction time begins, which is how I believe it should indeed work.

HOWEVER, if I walk around and activate the motion sensor after the the restriction time begins and before the normally scheduled "off" duration in the rule, THE LIGHT STAYS ON AFTER THE 5 MINUTES ARE UP, and just stays on.

I've tried this multiple times, and it's totally reproducible.
@bravenel helped out previously with a SA restriction issue, maybe he could take a look at this.

(I don't think it matters, but this is on a C-8 running the latest version of which I cannot speak.)

This is a known limitation of how Restrictions work, they are sort of all or nothing. Do this automation with Room Lights instead, and you can get it to work the way you want.


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