Simple automation not turning off lights when motion sensor inactive

My Simple automation is not turning off lights intermittently when a motion sensor goes inactive.
I’ve checked the events to check it goes inactive,

I’m thinking of ditching Hubitat and just using my Hue hub now that all my sensors and switches work with Hue.

Maybe post a screenshot to see if anyone can suggest an improvement or what may be happening.

I'm in the UK. How much do you want for it. :wink: :wink: :grin:

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Sorry for the troubles, this could be similar to this post

Simple Automation Rules app has two useful toggles when troubleshooting why a rule doesn't work.

Switch these on, then check the Logs to see why the rule may not work as expected:

Where do I turn on logging and events for the app? I've turned it on for my devices and I can see the motion sensor going inactive and the light stays on.