Significance of "filter" in App Events page

Can someone help me understand the "filter" entry in the Event Subscriptions?


It shows the value of the filter option provided (or the default true if not) on your call to subscribe(), assuming this is an app you wrote since you're posting it in this category. If not, same thing, just whatever that developer did. :slight_smile:

The purpose is described in the subscribe() documentation: App Object | Hubitat Documentation. To summarize, if filter is false, the app should wake for all events, not just those that represent a state change (whether because the value changed or because the isStateChange parameter was true).

That being said, this is probably fairly rarely used option, some drivers might do their own filtering before event sending the data to the platform for processing, and if you're thinking about using it, I'd therefore probably consider first whether there is another way to do what you need.

Thank you, I didn't think to look a the subscription documentation.