Shower Fan received unhandled command: CentralSceneNotification (keyAttributes:0, sceneNumber:1, sequenceNumber:32, slowRefresh:true)

I'm using this driver. I have the 12/7 version because the latest update seemed to flood my logs with message overflows on "on/off" events and my HE basically DoS'd itself. I rolled back to the 12/7 version and it's fine.

I like using the double taps because I can double tap the button and my shower fan turns off after 10 minutes to get the condensation out. Even without the rule it's still throwing the warning.

I'm confused for 2 main reasons. First, it started out of the blue. I work in IT and know that means something changed and I don't know what it was. Second, I have two other lights configured the same way and this is one acts different.

It's a community driver, but I posted this last week and one of the HE devs basically said to use the community version.

My HE has been a little wonky lately so this is just another symptom. For example I have a "turn on xmas lights" simple automation rule and only 2 of the 4 lights decided to turn on today, but that's out of scope for this issue.