Well, it's getting to the point where I should do something about this. If anything to protect it from dust, insulation, and generally tidy the area up. My network switch is elsewhere - I'm thinking about relocating it here.
I've had my eye on the Leviton wifi transparent 30" media enclosure, but it might be overkill. Primex makes a less expensive version. I know some of y'all have come up with other ideas, shelves, cabinets, etc... so let's see em!
As far as I know 2.4 will only interfere with Zigbee, and only if it's communicating on or near the same channel. I have my Zigbee channels far away from my router channel (and my neighbors), and don't experience any issues.
I've commandeered an old TV cabinet and it now sits in the hall. I figured a wooden cabinet wouldn't obstruct signals too much. Not the tidiest cable management and the elastic band mount for my Hubitat is patent pending!
Here is mine (pre-install of HE and Lutron). I'm finally finished my migration and will replace the Wink's with the HE and Lutron. I had to get two Wink hubs as I was maxed out with Lutron devices. I think I'll retire the Winks this weekend after a factory reset ... they're just burning power at this point! Everything but the printer is plugged into the UPS. Hiding behind the router is my MyQ bridge and Bond controller. Each device (other than the Orbi and Cable modem) is plugged into a TP-Link HS300 strip so I can power cycle individually from afar (which I can't really do to the HE without a graceful shutdown). At least the Orbi has a VPN built in that was pretty easy to set up. From the display, I'll have 135 min of backup power available.
This was Pre-HE install (happened to have the pic on my work notebook) β¦ I've been migrating from Wink over the past few weeks. I'll probably move the HE and Lutron hub over this weekend and take another pic. It will look even cleaner as the HE/Lutron hubs are significantly smaller than the Winks!
They are cheap, and with how unreliable they are I only use them to look in when I am gone. Right now I am temporarily in an apartment since I moved across the country. Once I buy I house here I will get a more reliable/legitimate solution.