Show elapsed time in notification

I have virtual switch that I toggle for when my dog is outside. I have the notification app send me a notification every 15 min that the switch is on(sometimes we forget when it's about to rain). However, I don't see an option to displayed the elapsed time it's been on. Is there a way to display the elapsed time the device has been on in the notifications app?

If not, I guess, I could create a rule with notifications, but assume that would use more hub resources.

Don't think so.

Minimal. Like inconsequential. But I'm not entirely sure the best way to go about it. You might take a look at this thread:

Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction. I was able to successfully create my rule to calculate my time. I accomplished this by using a hub variable with a connector switch as the trigger(Aqara zigbee button toggles on and off) and another variable as the elapsed time tally. I added some variable math to calculate the elapsed time in minutes; all are repeating actions that run every minute. I have a separate rule for the notification, which referenced the hub variable for the elapsed time.

One gotcha is that since my trigger is also involved in my conditions, I found my the hub was immediately bypassing one of the conditions, even when false(the hub processed too quickly for the situation). I mitigated this by creating a 3 second delay to start. Also, I found the hub was always rounding down to the closest minute so I added a minute to satisfy my OCD.

Below is a screenshot of the rule. If there's a more efficient/better way to do this, I'm all ears. I'm about 4 months into this so I'm still learning.

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