Should the "GarageDoorOpener" capability integrate with homekit?

Have you updated your hub to 2.3.6? Garage Door support was recently added to the HomeKit integration.

@jtp10181 has correctly indicated the solution to your problem - you need to run platform 2.3.6.x on your Hubitat, but I want to address the second part of your question:

Here’s the relevant portion from the Apple Developer documentation that lists all the HomeKit accessory service types:

Thank you both, I'm currently running This is one of the reasons I'm so confused :frowning_face:

Edit: I just updated to, same problem.

Try creating a virtual device with the built-in virtual garage door controller driver and see if Homekit can see that.

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Here is a picture of the virtual devices that I have, which I just deleted and recreated and it didn't change anything:

Another thing I just noticed is this:

I tried turning the "HomeKit enabled" switch on and off for both the "Aladdin Connect Garage Door" and the "Aladdin Connect System", but it didn't make a difference either.

That's not what @Ken_Fraleigh meant. Create a brand new virtual device to which you assign the built-in Virtual Garage Door driver. Then see if you are able to add this new device to HomeKit. If you can, it says there is something wrong with the Aladdin virtual devices.

In the meantime, I'm guessing the issue is that your Aladdin devices don't have a device network id. Not sure why - so I am tagging @tomw.

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I'm not sure if this helps either:

Why are these rows colored for a few seconds when I go to the Apps and Devices pages?

Its the last thing you opened.


Thanks everyone, I just created another device:

I tried with "HomeKit enabled" both on and off and it isn't listed on the homekit integration app page either way. Should that switch be on or off? Do I need to reboot after toggling it?

Both the regular virtual driver and the Zooz driver show up in HK for me, just created new devices and tested.


The Zooz driver has these capabilities (does not matter with or without spaces in the names):

	capability "Actuator"
	capability "Sensor"
	capability "Contact Sensor"
	capability "Door Control"
	capability "Garage Door Control"
	capability "Refresh"

Turning that on just enables it in the HK integration, sort of a neat feature I did not know existed.
But if its not showing up at all, guess its not doing anything.

Might be due to the "null" device ID as someone else pointed out.

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This is really great information about the Zooz driver. From what I could tell, the Hubitat software isn't open source. Is that right? I'm trying to figure out how I can identify which capability it needs to show up :thinking:

Try adding the "door control" to the driver, I am going to test it out with that Aladdin driver right now as well.

Negative on that - did some trial and error, it needs the ContactSensor capability

Just adding that works:

        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Battery"
        capability "GarageDoorControl"
        capability "SignalStrength"
        capability "ContactSensor"
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I just found the same thing :joy: the spaces not matter in the capability names? It seems that way, just confirming.

The builtin Generic Z-Wave Garage Door Opener has the following Capabilities, Attributes, Commands:

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No they do not, I believe it is a ST old groovy code compatibility thing.

I need to keep that app handy, was faster to just guess since I did not have it installed.

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Would you mind sharing what that is?

This one: [BETA] Device Details Display Utility

Or this: Capabilities JSON Metadata File - #3 by csteele

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What exactly do you mean by this? Can you illustrate using screenshots? Black out the names of any sensitive devices.

We figured out above that adding the "ContactSensor" capability makes it show up on the homekit integration app page. I meant that when I would go to that page, there were no garage door controllers listed.

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