Shelly Wave 1PM and Wave i4

Hello everyone,
I haven't found any information about the configuration of the Shelly Wave i4 and Wave 1PM.

1- The products are on the hub.
2- The connections are correct.
3- The Wave 1PM works perfectly using the app either on computer or Android.

But it doesn't work, it's as if the switches were disconnected and the Wave i4 doesn't communicate with Wave 1PM.

What can I do?

Platform Version
Hardware Version C-8 Pro

Can you share more information about your setup, including how the i4 is supposed to communicate with the 1 PM?

thank you to help me

you can download a pdf that describe the issue on this link :

the links are not available on this forum.
how to share you my setup ?

I've upped your trust level (you could also join the owners group), and it should let you post it now.

thank you for your help

So you have a Button Controller instance set up to control one device based on events from the others? The two things to check in that case:

  1. Do button events come in from the "trigger" device as you expect (check "Events" on the device detail page for it to see); and
  2. Do commands to the "target" device work as expected (you can manually run them from the device detail page to see).

Enabling logging for the app (Button Controller) will also give you an idea of what it is doing (or not) and when.

From your screenshots, the logs suggest the button event is getting generated, but looking at "Events" will tell you for sure. Be sure also to hit "Done" in Button Controller to save your changes if you haven't (and create the necessary event subscriptions).

The problem has been solved. Thank you so much for your help.

It was not a software, configuration or hardware problem.

It was mainly a human problem (shame on me). Indeed, the duration of a click on the Wave i4 switch is very short and I was pressing the button too long (maybe 1/10s too long) according to my previous habits.

So I just have to change my habits.