Shelly Plus 2PM inclusion

I am new to Hubitat.
I can't seem to include a Shelly Plus 2PM on Hubitat Hub.
Shelly technical support is not helping me and I haven't found any post on this forum about it.
I apologize if there is another post on the subject.

Here's my question:
How do I include a Shelly Plus 2PM on my Hubitat Hub?

Have you tried doing a Z-Wave Exclude (general exclusion) first? That shouldn't be necessary for a brand new device, but it happens sometimes, and you should see "Unknown device excluded" on your hub when you try. If not, something may be wrong with the deivce, you might be using the wrong procedure (the manual should have instructions for how to either inclusion and exclusion modes), or the region/frequency of the device could be wrong (Z-Wave is different worldwide; make sure it matches your hub).

EDIT: Nevermind, I assumed this was Z-Wave like the other Shelly devices OP's other recent post...

I've just had a Quick Look and Shelly Plus PM seems to be a WiFi device and not Z Wave (Shellys Z Wave products use the word 'Wave' in their product name)

If it's a Gen 3, it is Matter compatible. I guess if thats the case you first need to commission it using another hub (as you can't do that directly in Hubitat) and then share it to Hubitat.

I've no knowledge of this device but that info was found with a quick search...

following the answer from Shelly Technical Support:

Dear ​Jerome
We suspect you are missing drivers or plugins.
Please check the following ---> Connect and use Shelly Plus Wifi Devices - #2 by thebearmay
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
Shelly Support Team

So now, I have an other question:
I can not find how to install the driver.

I still need some help…

Try checking this thread (link leads to a post for a specific Shelly WiFi driver in a form of a bundle)

After driver will be downloaded/installed to your hub the next steps will be (copy-past from my mail thread):

AFAIK all WiFi/Ethernet devices (including Shellies) are not keen to autodetection. The reason of this is that in comparison to ZWave/Zigbee there is no detection/handshaking procedure nethither global nor vendor-specific. So it needs manual installation.

To do it you need:

  1. Install the driver of choice (done)
  2. Create virtual device
    2A. In the virtual device properties replace selected driver (if during creation some other were selected)
  3. After driver is selected and applied enter device IP address (and password if set)
  4. Press 'Configure'. At this stage if IP and password are correct the driver will survey your physical device at that IP to spawn required supported child devices accordingly.

Hubitat UI updates driver preferences page only after pressing "Save preferences" (also attributes are dynamic/live). So after some other commands you might need to refresh the page to see differences

At any step after the driver is attached to virtual device you can set logs for debugging. In debug mode the logs are quite intense and show all the data content exchange/parse sequence so you could see what exactly your device responds with and what driver does with that response.

In absolute most cases installation steps are pretty much the same for all devices.
The difference may be in a way to install driver sources (trough package manager, manually or using bundles)

Now with these steps you can describe what step is blocking you.

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With the 2.4.0 update you first need to go to settings and turn on the advanced/developer setting at the top.


Then you can install the code:
How to Install Custom Drivers | Hubitat Documentation

Then add virtual device and select that driver:
Add Device | Hubitat Documentation

I did it ! Tank you for your help.

I've taken a big step forward thanks to you. But I'm not there yet. The Shelly 2 PM is designed to be installed on an adjustable sunshade.

I can't figure out how to operate the 2 outputs of the Shelly 2PM with the "Button controlers" application. Using Toggle, I can only activate one output (but never the other) and pressing the button again doesn't deactivate the output.

What do you think?


Took me a minute to figure this out, are you using this Shelly Plus driver? Hubitat-Drivers/PLUS/ShellyPlus.groovy at master · ShellyUSA/Hubitat-Drivers · GitHub

If you are not sure look at your device list and what does it say in the "Type" column? Or also that is shown on the device info tab listed as "Type"

It is important to know what driver you are using.

To be compatible with button controller application driver must support *button family of capabilities. ShellyPlus.groovy has no support for button controller application interaction. ShellyPlusPro-xPM has this feature (each input spawns corresponding child device with support for single-, double-, tripple-, long-push. The mapping can be found here Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat - #516 by dmitry.rozovik).

I use that one :

Just checked capability list

capability "Actuator"
capability "Switch"
capability "Sensor"
capability "PowerMeter"
capability "CurrentMeter"
capability "EnergyMeter"
capability "VoltageMeasurement"
capability "TemperatureMeasurement"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Polling"
capability "Configuration"
capability "Initialize"
capability "SignalStrength"

It needs to have
capability("DoubleTapableButton") // doubleTapped
capability("HoldableButton") // held
capability("PushableButton") // numberOfButtons, pushed
capability("ReleasableButton") // released
and corresponding code to alter attributes

They are trying to use a rule in button controller to activate it. Not use it as a button trigger. I assume they have some other button device. It does not need button capabilities for that.

I would not use that driver, it does not look like it is coded properly to handle child devices.

I would try the official Shelly Plus driver I linked above or this other one I found in what is probably the same thread you found the one you are using.


I think that link in that post is direct to an older commit though, so go here for the latest bundle file: Bitbucket

Yes. You are correct. That long link is a direct link to some specific (old) version. It were provided due person being confused on how to download from the correct link.

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What a complex process for a novice! I suppose it's obvious for most of you, but for me, it's close to impossible :frowning:
It's a long way from plug and play.
I did manage to install Dimitry's drivers using this Bundle.

But I get error messages everywhere.

In short, the best way out for me seems to be to buy Z-Wave products like the Shelly Wave shutter directly... So, I give up and the Shelly Pro 2PM will go in the garbage can :frowning: .

Could you post your errors so I could help you with them?

I'm sorry. I removed the devices from the hub and they're already in the trash.
2 weeks to connect a device to a hub is almost 14 days too long for me :pensive:

You will have similar scenarios with any device unless it is officially supported. Even zwave and Zigbee. So I guess you should check the device compatibility list and make sure it’s in there before you buy.

It’s a shame you gave up because you almost had it working.

Also still cannot understand how people throw working stuff in the garbage? :thinking: