SharpTools Vote Needed for Pop-Up Tile

SharpTools users, please help promote a SharpTools feature that I believe will dramatically expand SharpTools dashboard functionality for HE users:

Multi-tile popup tile: Tapping a single tile pops up a set of multiple tiles overlaid on the existing dashboard.

Please vote for it on the SharpTools forum here.

Voting is needed because SharpTools implements feature requests based on the number of user votes.

Example use case 1: tapping a single Lights tile pops up a set of individual light switch tiles overlaid onto the existing dashboard. This can be used for example to have a single Kitchen Lights tile pop up individual tiles for all of the lights in the Kitchen.

Example use case 2: tapping an album art tile pops up additional music control tiles, like volume control, track control, device grouping, etc.

Example use case 3: Customizable mode selector. Tapping a single Mode tile pops up multiple mode control tiles, just like the picture below for the HSM selector tile. But, with this feature request, the individual tiles that pop up will be customizable in terms of icons, naming, etc.

Pop-up tile would look similar to how the existing HSM tile pops up multiple options for HSM states.

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