Sharptools device status

@josh this is might be better posted on the sharptools forum but i thought id ask if anyone has experienced this.

I have a device that my sharptools dashboard shows "on" but it is not showing "on" in my hubitat dashboard.
And the device is "off" for sure.

I have refreshed the browser on the tablet and have also brought the dashboard up on my laptop and it behaves the same.

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Thanks for tagging me! Can you tell me more about the device? What make/model is the device and what driver is it using? What automations/rules is the device used in?

SharpTools relies on events being pushed from your hub, so the other thing I'd be curious about is what shows in the HE logs (when filtered down to the SharpTools HE app) and what the event history looks like for the device.

its an ikea outlet using the generic zigbee outlet driver. It is included in one automation that turns it on at sunset then back off at 7:30pm. The last time it was turned off was last evening.

Thanks for the details. What about the second part:

SharpTools relies on events being pushed from your hub, so the other thing I'd be curious about is what shows in the HE logs (when filtered down to the SharpTools HE app) and what the event history looks like for the device.

On my Tradfri outlets I see this in events. Of course mine also update in SharpTools dashboards as expected, too.

Name Value Unit Description Text Source Type Date
switch on Media Room Outlet was turned on DEVICE 2019-01-30 03:23:00.261 PM CST
switch off Media Room Outlet was turned off DEVICE 2019-01-30 03:22:51.254 PM CST
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Thanks @JasonJoelOld . What I suspect is that the events are getting logged in the Hubitat database (hence the built-in dashboard reflecting the off state), but the event is failing to get posted over to SharpTools for some reason in @jasonbalsor's case.

So I'm curious if we'll see an error in the logs that would give us some insight as to what's going on.

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Name Value Unit Description Text Source Type Date
switch on Porch Outlet was turned on DEVICE 2019-01-30 05:23:02.087 PM AST
switch off Porch Outlet was turned off DEVICE 2019-01-29 06:49:06.290 PM AST
switch on Porch Outlet was turned on DEVICE 2019-01-29 05:22:00.390 PM AST
switch off Porch Outlet was turned off DEVICE 2019-01-28 07:16:05.319 PM AST
switch on Porch Outlet was turned on DEVICE 2019-01-28 05:20:00.366 PM AST
switch off Porch Outlet was turned off DEVICE 2019-01-27 05:36:32.902 PM AST

A lot of times we turn the outlet off before the 730 automation as you see in the events.

@jasonbalsor am I reading that correctly that the last logged event is an 'on' event at sunset, but the expected 'off' event isn't there for 01/30?

Sunset was at 5:23pm of course about 20 minutes after i started this thread, lol

So it is "on" now as it should be. In all dashboards

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app:492019-01-30 05:23:00.171 pm infoPorch Outlet is now True

app:492019-01-30 05:23:00.111 pm infoPorch Outlet: sunset sunset true

By default, SharpTools won't show normal activity in the event logs unless you have Enable Logging checked in the app settings. That being said, it should log errors and exceptions... so what I was looking for is the past logs filtered down to SharpTools to see what happened around the time that the light went 'off' but didn't reflect off in SharpTools.

  1. From the left navigation of the Hubitat admin UI, select Logs
  2. Tap the Show Past Logs button
  3. Tap SharpTools in the list of apps/devices at the top of the screen

In the past logs window I dont see Sharptools there as an option, as if there are no sharptools logs.

Let's enable logs on the SharpTools HE app that way if/when this occurs again we can check the logs to see what's going on.

  1. From the left navigation of the Hubitat admin UI, select Apps
  2. Select SharpTools from the list of installed apps
  3. Scroll down and flip the switch for Enable logging on
  4. Tap the Next button
  5. Tap the Done button

Fair warning that the logging is fairly chatty so it might fill up your logs. When events occur and are successfully posted to SharpTools, we should see something like:

2019-01-30 03:32:28.922 pm [debug] Event data successfully posted to
2019-01-30 03:32:27.531 pm [debug] Sending event for hub xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Ok, logging is on but more problems now. I cannot get the device to respond now even from the hubitat device page. I did turn it off once from the hub and it updated sharptools.

So this could be a device/hub issue leave it with me.

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app:372019-01-30 05:59:04.135 pm debugEvent data successfully posted to

app:372019-01-30 05:59:03.469 pm debugSending event for hub 647a9dac-f766-4968-b32e-7bd09b012ad4

This is the last event that the outlet responded, and it did update status on sharptools.

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Yeah, that looks like a successful event update. :slight_smile:

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OK...So I think this was all caused by my wifi/router. I notice my laptop was crawling so i rebooted my Google Wifi and its all working now. Not sure if its interference because the zwave switches in the same room seemed to be working fine. the tablet is obviously wifi as well so the laptop and tablet are the two places i was trying the dashboard

Sorry for wasting your time @josh

If the status was showing correctly in HE, then interference is not the issue. For some reason the updated state was not being send to/received by Sharptools. It could be a network issue, but again, not wifi interference.

After making any changes to the sharptools app, you should always wait at least a minute while it resubscribes to all your devices....then test. I know this because I've had your issue happen a couple of times and simply opening the Sharptools app and enabling/disabling logging resolves the issue for me. It's hard to troubleshoot because I rarely use my dashboards and like I said, enabling the logs fixes the issue. So....I enable the logs to look for potential issues and everything is working. The next time it happens I will have to leave the logging on for an extended period of time and hopefully catch the problem while it's enabled.

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The device not being controllable temporarily could be related to wifi. IKEA Tradfri devices are Zigbee based... and since Zigbee and Wifi operate in the same frequency ranges, there can be coexistence issues.

As @stephack mentioned, I don't see why the Wifi would impact the ability for the hub to post the events to SharpTools though unless there were other network/gateway related issues happening. :slight_smile:

As you noted, making changes to the SharpTools HE app configuration sets up all the subscriptions again so it's usually a good idea to wait a minute or two for that process to complete. The other thing it does it resync the device list between your Hubitat Hub and SharpTools, so you'll have a fresh 'in-sync' version of the data after the sync is complete which is probably why it's 'resolved' after that.

I would recomend Jason keeps the logging enabled as well - especially if the issue seems to be intermittent or infrequent. That way when the issue occurs again, we can see if there's anything in the logs that points to a potential issue.

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I think it was network related, specifically the wifi portion.

I was logged into the hub on a wifi laptop, the pages were slow to respond and the outlet would not respond on the devices page.

The sunset trigger was successful because that was initiated by the hub on the hardwired LAN.

All sharptools dashboards were running on wifi devices.

the wifi reboot immediately remedied the situation.

i will leave logging on for a while to monitor, thanks again for the advice.

Maybe this is the excuse I need to return the google wifi to costco and get the synology router I have been wanting, lol

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