Sharp Aquos TV Driver

This driver seems to have loads of issues. It might work, then it definitely doesn't. Errors all over the place in the logs, such as the following...

I really don't like running code like this on my hub.
Has anyone got this working properly?

I am not getting those errors, runs pretty good for me, I only see a warning that the stream is closed, but it reconnects when I push a button.

I will probably remove it. It's really not reliable for me. Doesn't stay connected. Doesn't reliably reconnect with a refresh or an initialise. I hope one day I can find a better solution!

What code are you using for this? I am getting the Mutex errors too. I'm a total noob at this stuff so I'm not really even sure where I should be getting the code, I'm just running the latest that someone posted to this thread.

@matt4 def version() {return "v0.39"} way up above in this thread (188) is the code that I used, I haven't got the Mutex errors for a long time, reboot seemed to help.
This is all I see.

I did go in and commented out the logging stuff, that was the only way to turn the logging off,

This post is ancient in in "Internet Time", but I thought I'd chime in:

I started at the top of this thread and found a lot of "old version removed"-edited posts. I think the first version I found in the thread when scrolling down from the top was version 0.32, which worked wonderfully for the an hour while tinkering with it.

I then scrolled further down the thread and found version 0.39. I upgraded to it by simply swapping out the Driver Code for it, and after doing so I began getting the mutex errors like some in this thread described.

Based on a comment somewhere in this thread, I rebooted the Hubitat hub, and voila -- things started working.

This driver is fantastic as it allowed me to stop using a smart switch to turn the TV on/off. Since Aquos TVs (or at least, my Aquos TV) return to the original power state when AC comes back, that was sufficient to turn the TV on and off. The big negative was that it was fairly slow -- maybe ~8-10 seconds or so to go from off to something on the screen. Using this driver and never truly powering the TV off, I now go from standby ("off") to display in ~1 second.

So big thanks to @cybrmage for putting this driver together. Once I find or develop a means to more effectively remote control Chromecast w/Google TV (CCGT) I'll be all set.

Let us know how it goes after a few days. I could never get it to work reliably and without a stack of errors. The Sony Rest API driver I found on the forum here, on the other hand, is awesome. I wonder if such an integration would be possible for the Sharp too.

This driver has been really useful for me to do basic commands. I agree with the errors, but they don't seem to interfere with anything on my system. I cringe though when watching my logs for something else and these errors start flying by. For my needs though, this driver has been very helpful.

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