Shades with Google home integration

I use the Google home integration with hubitat.
All my devices show up fine except the shades.
I tried the commuity Google home app and it was too complex to setup.

I tested a Virtual Shade and was able to get it to work with GH, albeit with a small delay in sync'ing the status, but that understandable with a cloud integration.

I'm unlikely to be able to help, but a couple of things others may find useful could be:

  • What device / driver are you using for your shades?
  • When you say your shades don't show up, do you mean in the GH App on your HE hub when selecting the devices to share with GH, or that you can select them in HE, but they do not appear in GH once you do? If the latter, be sure to check the "Linked to you" section at the bottom of the Devices section in the GH App on your phone/tablet, plus, try syncing your devices on the GH App or via a GH speaker / hub
  • What HE platform version are you running? E.g. 2.3.x.y..... Unlikely to be a factor in this case, but never hurts to list it when logging issues
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Yeah, HE's native/stock GH app can't do shades/blinds unfortunately. The HE app makes it seem like you can add/save them, but they don't actually get over into GH.

I think it was written back when such things weren't popular / widely available, and it's just never been updated to catch up with the times -- switches, plugs and bulbs are just about all it can handle.

The community GH app can do shades and lots of folks use it, so if you ask for setup help in that community GH app thread, I bet folks can help you with it.

I just use the native GH app too, and I use 2 virtual switches (1 open, 1 close) to integrate my Third Reality blinds into the native GH app (just one set of blinds, so pretty basic).

But my needs there are simple -- just full up or full down -- I don't use any intermediate blind positions or slow illumination-based position transitions or anything like that.

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I got a virtual shade to at least appear in GH? I get the finer control might not be quite what people need / expect, but if the OP is not seeing the devices at all in GH, that is certainly not what I saw with a virtual shade....


That's a good point -- I did not think of trying virtual shade...

Now that I look at it again, my setup is kinda unique... I use those 2 virtual switches to respectively call an open or close rule... Those two rules have some open/close behavior redundancies built in to them because my 3R blinds can sometimes be laggy/uncooperative responding to a command.

So the virtual switches are just an easy way to call those rules from anywhere, including GH.


Thank you all!
I added my shades as virtual shade.
Indeed there is some delay but that's ok.


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