Severe Hub CPU - Desperate for help

Hello, I have a C-4 with 14 devices. This is the only automation system I have. I had Vera at another home, but bought Hubitat when we moved. I cannot figure out why I have severe Hub CPU usage. I have tried everything that I could find on the forums as of 07-03-2021. Nothing has helped. I removed all apps and have all devices disabled in an effort to diagnose but nothing is helping. I disabled the devices one by one until they were all disabled. Nothing helped. The log page shows nothing new since 7-2-2021, yet I am still getting the CPU warning about every 2 minutes. The Hub has been up for 7 days and I reset the runtime stats yesterday when I disabled devices. I have not rebooted since I disabled all devices.

I come to you begging for help. Anything you want me to post or share I will. (I may need instructions for some items) Please help.

(The system won't let me upload media or include links in my post. I have screenshots but don't seem able to share them)

Have you tried a soft reset?

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If a soft reset doesnโ€™t helpโ€ฆ

Have you opened a support case with Hubitat at


Welcome to Hubitat forums!

You can't post pictures yet, as you are still new to the forums. At some point, once you have posted a few times, and read a few threads, it will allow you to post pictures.

Like the others said, a soft reset would be one step I take.

Are any of the runtime stats (either app, or device) showing either a high percentage, OR anything highlighted in red?

There is a way to set limits to how many events are stored, and that may help the database size and hence the warning about usage. I can't remember if 2.2.7 (assuming you are on the latest update) has the ability to set the event and state history size on the runtime stats page? If it is not there, someone can post the URL to get to those settings.

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Thanks James.

Try setting events to 25 and see if that makes a difference.

Can you provide some info.

What devices do you have?
Are the devices zwave, zigbee, wifi cloud or localy controlled?
What cloud services if any do you have connected?
What apps do you have and do any of them do polling?
What firmware are you running?

Were did you get the C-4. The current hub ia the C-7 and the C-5 was its predecessor. So you are two back from current.

I got a used C-4 as a dev hub not long ago and I will say i brought it to its knees with just a few local lan functions that did activity fairly frequently. It seems to be a fair bit more temperamental compared to my production C-7.

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I did one about 2 months ago trying to resolve this. It didn't seem to help but I may do it again today to double check. I had one device (homeseer outdoor motion detector version 1) that I had to install a custom driver for. I found that Hubitat had included a driver so I changed to that one. Between the two I went from unsuable Sever hub CPU to where it will work for almost a week without the Severe CPU

Thanks ogiewon. Yes, when I couldn't post images I sent and email with my forum message and all the screenshots

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Yes, I have 4 devices with red in the "Events" Column. 3 are GoControl Thermostats. The other one is Zooz 4 in 1 sensor

BUT all devices are disabled. Would they still be reporting events if they are disabled?

The would still be communicating to the zwave radio. The hub probably discards any incoming data.

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Thank you for that James. It took me a minute to decipher what you were telling me.

http://(ip address of hub)/hub/advanced/event/limit/xxxx

Then replace the "xxxx" with the value you wish to input. At neonturbo's suggestion I have made both those values 25

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I put my replies in the above quote in bold

Put your hub address at the beginning. xxxx is the value you want.

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I guess I forgot to send this.

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For this, or any device that reports power, you should set most of the power reporting to off, or as high as you can. These power reporting devices send multiple reports, and it is very easy to overwhelm the hub with too many events.

Only one of these starred below, or maybe two if really needed.

I just looked at the runtime stats again. This is about 4 hours after posting. I made event limits change that neonturbo and jameslslate described. 25 for both. Currently the runtime stats do not show any events in red. So that seems like improvement

However on the System Events page, location events. I am still getting the severeLoad error about every 1-2 minutes.

Did you do a soft reset?

That won't remove anything on the hub, but will clean up a database that has become corrupted.

Do a backup, and save to your computer first so you can then restore things.

Edit: link to documentation how to do this. How to backup your hub - Hubitat Documentation

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Thank you. I have made the change to "No Reports" on all setting on that device. I will wait to see what effect it has. Don't forget I have clicked disabled on every device on the hub.

I made that change at 5:26. I have sseverLoad in the Location events at 5:26, 5:28 and 5:30. I don't think it has had a positive effect.

This may not be relevant on a C4 but I would check your zwave settings and make sure you have no ghost devices. Also make sure you dont have any devices with S0 security. If you have any with S0 exclude them and re add without security.

You may also want to load the Hub information driver and use that to see your system load is like