Set Dimmer Level w/ Inovelli switch activation based upon time of day

Configuration: Inovelli Dimmer 2 in 1 Red (with the latest firmware) configured as a dimmer / 3-way with a dumb switch.
Objective: When the Inovelli is toggled up (on), set the dimmer level based upon time of day.
I originally tried Rule Machine, and more recently tried Room Lighting, but regardless, the light comes on and stays on at the last level. I can then manually adjust the level with the Inovelli switch or the Hubitat App.
Screen Captures attached. (at one point I changed the target from 100 to 99 so that explains that disparity.)
Most of the logs show activity from today, but one has Date/Time only from yesterday, probably relating to my switch from Rule Machine to Room Lighting.
Any ideas on what I need to do get the dimmer level functioning?

Live Log

Now, I know next to nothing (that's my disclaimer, lol), but I wonder if it's because you have the switch still able to directly respond to physical inputs, rather than disabling that and have the hub take care of everything.

The switch would become, in effect, a "button", I suppose.

I don't have any Inovelli switches but what I've done with the lights that I want to vary based on mode is to put them in Room Lighting and setup the various modes and light levels with the means to turn them on and off to just be turning on the device itself. Then in any other place where I turn them on or off, manually or any other rule, they will set the the correct level. I don't have to set the levels in each different place. Also handy if you want to adjust the level as you can just do it in the one spot.

I am betting that the "default level" settings on the device itself are dictating the behavior. I am not seeing a way to allow it to not be set either. You could try contacting Innovelli to see if they have a workaround

Local Default Setting

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I don't have Inovelli switches, but was relating it to some Zooz switches I installed lately.

I also have to say that I don't have any Smart Bulbs.

But, both brands have "Smart Bulb Modes".
With Zooz, you can disable the physical switch totally, so it becomes essentially just a button controller.
I don't know what Inovelli allows, but reading their parameter manual, it's unclear if you can disable the physical switch.



Here is a rule I use and works without issue.

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I thought the OP wanted to control the light level when he toggled the physical switch? Otherwise, no big deal.,

Maybe I'm misunderstanding...

The rule I posted will set the staging level of the light. When you physically turn on the switch, it will be set to that level.

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Cool. I've never done preset.

That was another reason I went with Inovelli. I love the dimming features from AUX switches in 3-way (or more) configuration, and the staging.

I set my parents up with staging on a few of the lights, and my Mom LOVES being able to turn on the light in the middle of the night and it's very dim and not blasting your eyes.

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What do you choose in the dropdown for getting to the "preset level" command? I have looked in Custom Action, and Control Dimmer. But I am not finding it. I have a use case for this in the bathrooms at night and this would be perfect.

Action Options

Note: I inadvertently selected the LED when testing for the image. But, it is not showing on the main dimmer either.

Is this on an Inovelli dimmer? If so, are you using the Inovelli driver?

Yes and yes. Also, firmware updated to latest production (1.57)

Also note, the original photo in my drop down options above was for the LED child (accidental click on my part). But, I also went back and the option is still not there for custom actions on the dimmer either.

Thinking that maybe set parameter option for parameter 9 might get me there now though.

Device Info

Corrected Custom Action Dropdown - Still nothing on preset

Does "Preset Level" show up in the Commands section?

Hi curtman3,
Thanks! presetLevel (located in Rule Machine > Run Custom Action) works perfectly. (The light doesn't turn, on but the preset level is set so that when the switch is turned on, it goes straight to the desired level.) Still no idea why my other approaches weren't working, but I'll probably have to resolve that to implement a fade.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't understand how it differs from what I was trying with Room Lighting.

Thanks, but I am using dumb bulbs on a smart switch. Smart Bulb Mode would leave the bulbs on full bright all of the time.

Yes, using the Inovelli driver (which other than this issue, I really like)

It differs if you use various different rules to impact the same lights. At least for me it does.

No, it does not. Maybe not available for the older LZW31-SN models