Set Custom Driver Attribute in Rule?

In button controller, I have a virtual button with 5-buttons. I am trying to assign some of these buttons to change this attribute in one of my devices which uses a custom Sleep Number driver. For example, when I press virtual button 1, I want to set "setSleepNumber" to 100. Any ideas how to do this? I tried custom actions, but there just isn't anything in there related to this field.

After you select this device for Custom Action, there is a pull down menu for the available commands. Could you show a screenshot like this one (for a thermostat):

You would have to pick one of the capabilities for your device, or use Actuator.

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Maybe that's my problem. I don't ever get to selecting a device because there isn't anything under "select capability of action device" that matches a "bed". I don't see an "other" either. :thinking:

This is what the device looks like if that helps.

Try Dimmer or Actuator.

Or post a link to the driver, so I can see what capabilities it has. You have to choose from one of the capabilities of the driver.

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Got it. I used Dimmer, and found the custom actions within that. I'd love to see an "Other" option that just shows all devices cause it was quite confusing trying to figure out what to use for a bed. I definitely wouldn't have thought Dimmer! lol

Thanks for your help though!