I have a Sengled plug that I turn on at sunset - x minutes and off midnight every day. I have text logging enabled and on 7/18 my plug reported "is on [physical]. On 7/19 it reported "is off [physical] and has reported that every day since. I'm using the Generic Zigbee Outlet and I can't find a rule that would create this log entry. I tried to configure the plug but no change. Any idea what would cause the state to be logged?
Is it exposed to Alexa/Echo? Did you look down at the device page and see what it's in use by? Normally when I see this is because Alexa hunches is on (it's horrible). If you have it make sure it's off.
Nope, not exposed to Alexa/Echo. Yes, I check the in use by and only have two active rules. One (SAR 1.1) to turn this on/off and second (RM 4.1) to turn off when in Away mode. Neither having logging enabled, only text logging enabled through the device driver. The device events shows the on/off events consistent with the logs. I'm not sure where the state logging is coming from.
I would turn on debug logging for all 3 to track... Make sure no virtual switches are involved in turning that on. Also set debugging up on the mode. And if you have an echo, just make sure hunches are off for giggles even though it's not exposed. (Unclear if you have one or not )
I do have a virtual switch to disable the SAR but none to trigger either rule. I do have an Echo and have verified that hunches are off. I'm not even sure how you log a device's state and am even more confused by the [physical] listed in the log. I'll try the debug logging. I think I'll turn on logging for some of my other plugs and see if they do something similar.
@mike.maxwell any idea why this Sengled device would produce such a log entry? As you can see, my only active use for this is in a Dashboard.
It's using the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver. I see a firmware update is available but was hoping to get a bettering understanding of the log entry before updating the hardware.
no idea, the device is reporting this all on its own...
do the update, see if it fixes anything
@mike.maxwell I misunderstood the availability of a firmware update. There doesn't appear to be one for this device.
I guess I'll just accept this as a feature and turn off text logging until needed.
I just noticed mine is doing this also, it was not doing this in the past that I am aware of.
Sengled Plug G2