Sengled LED Stopped Working

I unintentionally turned off the breaker that powers my Hub without doing a proper shutdown.

Now that the breaker is back on, everything is working fine except my 3 Sengled Element Plus Bulbs, which are paired directly to Hubitat. I can not turn them on or off from the device page.

I would prefer not to reset them, because my understanding is then I have to re-pair them. If I do this, will this break my rules? Is there anything else I can try?

With ZigBee, resetting/re-pairing the device will not break your rules.
That only happens if you delete them from your Hubitat hub.

I got them working again!

  1. I did a proper shut down of the hub. Left the hub off for approximately 2 minutes.
  2. Made sure all of the bulbs had power supplied to them.
  3. Restarted the hub.

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