Sengled Element Color Plus Bulbs in group not all responding

I'm running the C8 and ever since I installed it the kitchen lights have had issues. Previously my partner had her home setup with Hue lights, a hue hub, and Alexa and it worked perfectly. I came in, having setup my place with Hubitat and Hue, but with LOTS more lights very successfully, and installed a new hub and kept her Hue Hub in place.

From the time I did that out of the 6 lights she had, 4 would come on. I later discovered that the 2 that were not coming on were different (color bulbs vs the rest being white). I pulled those 6 bulbs out, disabled them in Hue and Hubitat and replaced them with the Sengled bulbs paired directly to the Hubitat C8. The issue persisted.

Needless to say she's getting frustrated, as is her son, and I'm out of ideas. She just wants to say "Alexa, turn on the kitchen lights" and have them come on.

Any ideas? I did notice the C8 Zigbee power was set to 8 vs the default of 16 so I've set that back to 16.

This is in a new-ish neighborhood where the builder included "smart home" but it was really just some minimal Control4. I did pull the C4 stuff out and do see some other zigbee networks when I do a scan.