Sengled Element Color Plus Bulbs are Changed to the Wrong(?) Color (Compared to Alexa)


I just got the integration running yesterday. (Thanks for the help!)

I just added all my switches and lights, but I noticed that sometimes the command's execution takes several seconds and most annoyingly (at the moment) the colors are different than if I'd asked Alexa to change them.

This is "Alexa, Dining room light to Cool White":

This is "Siri, Dining room light to Cool White":

Does anyone have any ideas?

Edit 1. Since I have the Homebridge integration still installed, I moved that light group to it from Homekit, but that has immense issues. It seems to only be able to voice control the bulbs as RGB. The buttons in the home app can turn it back to white, but its RGB white, so not very bright...

Edit 2. I disabled the group and exposed the individual bulbs to both integrations, but the result is the same, no separate white.

Edit 3. I tried both the generic and Sengled drivers, but the result id the same.