Sengled Bulbs unresponsive

you're welcome. hopefully thats all you need to do.
its the advice from the hubitat devs, and feedback from some users confirms it for them.

for lucky others such as myself and the guys on this thread..not so much.

With Zigbee devices you donโ€™t have to remove and replace them from the hub like zwave. So you do t need to redo rules, like zwave.

With zigbee (in my experience)

  1. You run the device through itโ€™s reset procedure. This could be turning the light on at the physical switch a certain number of times, etc. It depends on the device and should be in the manual for that device (or online)
  2. Set the device back into pairing mode, again per its manual.
  3. Set Hubitat in Zigbee pairing mode. When the device is found, it gets added back as the original device you had it set as on Hubitat (just donโ€™t delete the device manually within Hubitat during all of this)

Iโ€™ve done this a dozen times on IKEA Tradfri plugs that seem to like to drop once in a while, and the occasional Zigbee bulb on the fringes of my mesh.

I have a lot of zwave devices too, and absolutely dread when I have to reset and rejoin those. Zigbee is a breeze though.

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I usually unpack the SmartThings hub only for this purpose. With Zibee it's easy to reset the Zigbee device join it to the SmartThings hub lets the firmware update run, reset the Zigbee device and rejoin it to Hubitat. Zigbee addresses are static so most of the time no rules are effected.

It looks like you did find the solution with the help of others with the "Configure" option in the device driver. I think we all need to make a mental note to use that when changing drivers since it will update parameters on the physical device.

i wish ... the sengled dance (configure button, etc) doesn't work for me. does for some.
i've done it a bunch of times.
i'm currently doing 1 bulb 'hard' replace (remove it from rules, delete it, then re-add) per @jaredhouck's suggestion. we'll see if that does it.
for thoroughness' sake, i'll also do 2 'soft' replaces (reset bulb, re-add to HE)

if neither of these work, its the ST hub and firmware route.

thanks @craigspree i'm aware of this...what i call a 'soft' replace where the HE database is not changed, only a reset on the bulb.
pro: easy peasy. con: if its a HE side issue, maybe not so effective?

'hard' replace is what we're talking about, where the bulb is reset AND deleted from HE.
which i agree with you all counts: its painful, just like doing a Zwave * just about anything *.

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and lo and behold, mid-sengled-dance, appears.
i know i shouldn't update because if the bulbs work i'll never know if it was the remove/replace rigmarole or the update that fixed it. but..i don't care. its late, and i want to go to bed :slight_smile:
128, here i come.

Still have my ST hub around, wanted to confirm - once you join the Sengled bulbs to ST you don't have to do anything, just leave them connected and the FW update happens? Any estimate as to how long you leave them connected to get the udpate(s)?

As long as you have the options in the app to update firmware it should do it in less that a hour. With the developers dashboard you can see the status of the firmware update. My last two bulbs it was done in about 5 minutes per bulb.

That url is region specific but that is where I watch the update's.

On the hub details screen:

OTA: Enabled for all devices is turned on

If it's off go into utiltes near the bottom of the page and you'll find the setting for ZigBee OTA updates:

Here is a snapshot of a test I just ran today:

When I first setup my hub I had issues with those and someone had suggested a Zigbee repeater so I put a wall socket switch in and they all work 99.95% of the time now.

Great, thanks, good to know that this is an option if I want to update them. Mine are working fine, so obviously the best plan is to just let them be. :slight_smile:

Chiming in as well.
I have 10 Sengled bulbes (soon to have more) and they have all been working for me perfect for the last year+, of which 3 are brand new.

I have them on the Sengled Element Classic built in driver.

One thing to note is my house is relatively small, and I have 3 zigbee outlet plugins which I assume strengthen my zibgee mesh. I also have avodided any other lightbulbs that would be repeaters per the suggestions on this board.

You are thinking that they update the firmware on the newer bulbs when they fix bugs? :rofl:That costs money. The ones I bought last month had the same firmware on them that the ones I bought last spring had. Same with the Sylvania bulbs. Same firmware now as 3 years ago and many updates later.

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I agree, I made a generous assumption that the newer FW would get into the production line. :smiley:

How do you check FW version, BTW. The HE device page doesn't list it, does it? I didn't see it in the Data area at the bottom of the page.

My color plus bulbs have been working perfectly and the repeaters are mostly Sylvania bulbs. Only bulbs and a few GE Zigbee switches/dimmers are on that hub though.

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All my 8 recessed den lights are Color+ and aside from replacing one which died (it was faulty from the beginning I think) they are pretty reliable. I also have a few in various lamps. They too are working well for the most part. I have noticed (and posted this elsewhere) that sometimes overnight on a bulb or two the device status gets a little weird like getting stuck on when it's off - almost like it does not recognize the final digital "off" command. It seems a bit random though and I do have a bunch of repeaters around.

OK. so, update to those interested.
I removed each of my bulbs, paired them with SmartThings primarily to:

  • ensure they were on the latest FW (they are)
  • see how a fresh pairing in ST recognised the bulbs, and to get the fingerprints. (done)

its worth noting, that to ensure every possible firmware register was updated, before starting I changed my ST hub to use a different zigbee channel to my existing HE zigbee network.

for each bulb, I:

  • reset procedure on bulb (on/off 10 times)
  • paired with SmartThings. Intermittently turned on/off, changed settings for about 15-20 minutes to ensure it seemed 'stable'
  • noted the fingerprint (raw description) and bulb descriptions.
  • deleted from SmartThings
  • reset procedure on bulb (on/off 10 times)
  • changed the HE device to Zigbee Generic Device Toolbox [save device]
  • re-paired the bulb back to HE
  • cleared everything (configs, states, data etc) [save prefs, refresh]
  • changed device to 'Sengled Element Color Plus' or 'Sengled Element Classic' depending on bulb type [save device, configure, refresh]
  • confirm operating in HE with buttons and rules

Here is the data collected:
SmartThings Device Data
Sengled Element Color Plus (G11-U2E)
Firmware ver: 2A
ST raw description: 01 0104 0102 00 0A 0000 0003 0004 0005 0006 0008 0300 0702 0B05 FC03 01 0019
stable on ST

Hubitat Device Data
endpointId: 01
application: 01
manufacturer: sengled
model: E11-U2E
inClusters: 0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0300,0702,0B05,FC03
outClusters: 0019
endpointId: 01
profileId: 0104

SmartThings Device Data
Sengled Light (E11-G33)
Firmware ver: 9
ST raw description: 01 0104 0101 00 08 0000 0003 0004 0005 0006 0008 0702 0B05 01 0019
stable on ST

Hubitat Device Data
endpointId: 01
application: 01
manufacturer: sengled
model: E11-G33
profileId: 0104
inClusters: 0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0702,0B05

outClusters: 0019

SmartThings Device Data
Sengled Light (E11-G23)
Firmware ver: 9
ST raw description: 01 0104 0101 00 08 0000 0003 0004 0005 0006 0008 0702 0B05 01 0019
stable on ST

Hubitat Device Data
endpointId: 01
application: 01
manufacturer: sengled
model: E11-G23
inClusters: 0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0702,0B05
outClusters: 0019
endpointId: 01
profileId: 0104

At this point I have over 35 minutes of these bulbs working. I will let all the changes soak in to the mesh and see how things are in the morning...

EDIT: since doing the bulb changes, i noticed 2 of my Nue wall switches are now AWOL, and had to be reset and re-paired. i wonder if this is a conflict between Nue and Sengled on the same mesh with 2.2.5 - anyone else using Nue's?

Just to say, this is the incorrect procedure. It needs to be

after changing the driver to Advanced Zigbee Bulb, click Save Device > fill in and Save Preferences > then hit configure and watch the logs> once completed Refresh the driver page.

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I don't think Sengled bulbs update over SmartThings. You can only get them updated from the Sengled hub. AFAIK they all ship with the original firmware.

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Yes they do update via. SmartThings...I posted this earlier in this thread.


Yes. They most definitely do update FW in SmartThings, @ronv42 is correct.
Whether the FW repository that SmartThings uses is the same as the Sengled one is an interesting question for me.
i detailed out my device types and FW versions, if (anyone with a sengled hub) has got one of the same bulbs as me, can you confirm the ST FW version are the same as the Sengled hub versions?

either way, ST did not upgrade FW on any of the bulbs i have had working perfectly for quite some time pre-2.2.5. so i am going with Ockham's razor and suggest that its an introduced bug in 2.2.5. I say that because i have issues with both the Sengled drivers and the new one.

Thinking out loud I guess its possible that the original dev/test process for the original platform/Sengled drivers 'wrote around' any strange/lax protocol implementation in bulb FW, and perhaps with 2.2.5 and the new adv.zigbee bulb driver were built without as much allowance for protocol adherence (i.e. Sengled bulbs) specifically in mind, effectively breaking Sengled on HE. However if that simplistic explanation may be at least partly true, then why are some users reporting good operation of these bulbs, even as are a lot of users such as myself experiencing problems?

@mike.maxwell, thanks for your response on the other thread, however these bulbs don't seem to be working properly in 2.2.5 regardless of whether we use the new Adv.ZigbeeDriver or the original SengledClassic drivers. I'm happy to provide whatever information you need to figure this out?