Sengled Bulbs Color Change

I have Sengled E21-N1 bulbs which I had set to Orange [hue:7,saturation:100,level:100] for Halloween but need to reset to the stock setting. I do not see a way to change the "Set Color" command so its a simple 2700 / soft white color. If I try Set Color to 2700K and hue it says Orange so short of having to reset to factory and repair each time does anyone know what is the process to bring it back to the color it came out of the box with. Current settings are shown below

Driver is Sengled Element Plus

Current States
colorMode : RGB
colorName : Orange
colorTemperature : 2304
hue : 7
level : 100
saturation : 100
switch : on

State Variables
tt : {level=0A00, RGB=0A00, off=0A00, colorTemperature=0A00, on=0A00}
lastSaturation : FE
ct : {current=B201, requested=B201, min=2000, max=6493}
hexColor : {requestedHue=12, requestedSaturation=FE, currentHue=12, currentSaturation=FE}
checkPhase : 0
lastHue : 12
bin : 1
groups : []
xyOnly : false
hexLevel : {current=FE, requested=FE}
lastAddress : 3491
bulbLevel : FE

Shades of white are color temperature, not color per se. To get to 2700K, use the "Set Color Temperature" command and provide a value of 2700 (as the first parameter; the rest are optional, though you can provide them--the level and transition time--if you want as well).


I have the E11-N1EA color bulbs, not sure what the difference is compared to the E21-N1. But if I set a color temperature, the color state changes as well. For example, if I set the color temp anywhere between 2500 and 2700, the color changes to "Incandescent". If I change it to 2800, the color state changes to "Soft White", and so on. I presume the bulb reports the closest preset color name to the temp you actually set the bulb to, although I guess it's possible that the driver is doing that

But I'm using the Sengled Element Color Plus driver.

What's the problem? Does setting just the temp not give you the desired color?

so I did change the color temp to 2700 and it took a few times but eventually worked but as you can see under set color its blue / hue is 67. Where did that come from? Is there a setting that I could use that would be the right color temp or just leave it hoping it does not flip to that color


That is not a problem, and it is normal. The driver tracks color and color temperature separately, and color-related attributes will show their last known value, even if in color temperature mode. Vice versa for CT in color mode. You can see the current mode under "Current States" (CT or RGB for color temperature or color mode, respectively)--or, perhaps more important in the real world, observe the actual device. :grinning:


It's not going to change on its own; if it does then you have a defective bulb. It's just how the bulb and/or drivers work. You could try the Sengled Element Color Plus driver or one of the others. There's several Sengled drivers, including a set marked as "(legacy)" but who knows what the difference is.