Send SMS or Email via App

Thanks ! once i completely tame my Hubitat - the Rasberry Pi is next on my list as i am an old embedded microcontroller/microprocessor designer - that RPi looks fantastic!

When you get to it, consider the Odroid single-board computers. While they don't offer the versatile support that you get with RPis for hardware projects, they are very solid performers that beat the RPi for software projects. I have an Odroid XU4 that I purchased 3 or 4 years ago for $80. It has an octacore processor and runs the ARM port of Ubuntu 18.04.

I use it for several Hubitat-related functions, including:

  1. @gabriele's AlexaCookieJs that renews cookies for @ogiewon's Amazon Alexa text to speech (AlexaTTS), which I use for audio announcements.
  2. Jishi's node-sonos-http-api that I use to control Sonos speakers through Hubitat. It is more versatile than the built-in Sonos integration.
  3. @erktrek's DoNS sendmail integration (linked above) that I use for SMS and Email notifications.
  4. Maddox's harmony-api that I use along with @ogiewon's HTTP momentary switch to "augment" control of my TV/sound system. The sound system turns off if I pause the TV and walk away for 20 minutes. The combination of the two keeps the sound system on as long as the TV is on.

This is in addition to a bunch of things that run on the Odroid for other purposes like the PiHole DNS blocker, SMB shares for Sonos libraries, OpenVPN and a DLNA server.

Simply the best ~$80 I spent. And I must have spent three times that amount on buying RPIs over the years that never performed to the extent anticipated. The other Chinese RPi clones (eg. Banana Pis and Orange Pis) were also disappointments.


So look. There's no way to do it with the hubitat. But you can make virtual switches, contact sensors, and omnipurpose sensors and share them with a smart things hub then use them as security mechanisms in smart things to trip the security and send SMS messages to whomever. as a result the smart things hub only responds and knows anything when an alarm (virtual switch) goes off. And if you have a secondary gateway in the form of a USB network adapter in a server in your home network and configure everything to use it as a secondary dhcp server dns server and gateway you can always get text messages AND push notifications even if someone snips your fiber cable Through 4g or whatever USB card u use supports. (Ps if you have a media server or other high bandwidth devices not used for security don't send them through the secondary gateway too or you may have issues with speed) p.s. hsm, alert, and mode are somewhat unreliable so use the virtual devices as actually devices that will set off the smart things alarm as if they were actual devices on the smart things hub.

Are you referring to sending SMS messages specifically? Hubitat does support using Twilio to send SMS notifications.

You can also use the built-in Pushover driver to send push notifications. And, the Hubitat Mobile App supports push notifications as well.

This only works for USA ST customers (maybe Canada as well?). Samsung/SmartThings has disabled SMS for all other users around the globe.

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Nope, no longer comes to my 403 number.
However, problem solved on ST by getting Google Voice; you'll have to jump through some hoops to make this happen, but worth it. Also remember to register this number with ST to enable SMS messages.

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Wow ain't that some shizt. I thought that since they clearly didn't spend much on engineering their ties with telephone companies and the ability to send SMS messages was the only plus to the SmartThings hub. Didn't realize u could send SMS via hubitat since they pulled the feature natively.

Also twillo costs $ so.. nah. Half the point of a hubitat is self reliance from both companies and their bills.