Selling my Hubitat :(

Hi All,

Ive decided to sell my Hubitat. I may revisit this later down the road but for now I just dont have the time to get into this project. If anyone is interested, let me know. I dont have the box anymore, but have everything else its come with. Will sell it for 80 USD plus 15 for shipping. Im in Canada, not sure if thats an issue.

Reply if you are interested!

Thank you!

That's a shame. Best hub I've ever used. Have been able to do more with this hub in a few months than I've been able to do with all the others combined over several years. Hope you'll revisit your decision someday.


Why not keep it? The cost is likely to go up in the future. If you're considering revisiting it within a year, selling it and buying a new one seems like a waste.


You should keep it. In a few months or even a year it will be the hub in high demand. Things change so quickly.


It if helps, I bought it so it remains in the Hubitat Family. I wanted to have a second unit to learn programing on.


I have a second hub for the same reason.
I can play and break things without affecting waf :slight_smile:


Hi, I want to buy.

Can you please check the shipping cost to Isreal ?

@ranbenri Look up two posts from yours :point_up_2:.

Too late. New are still a bargain though :wink:

might want to check with @chammerbeck, says it won't be used for a year.