Securifi Key Fob

And, it looks like I've been wasting my time the last couple days as @snell beat me to it

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Not mutually exclusive. I have some updates to mine in the works I need to publish, lessons learned making my own Lightify Button driver. I made changes to the Keyfob as a result (the reason for the split from one combined driver was all these new features I was working on).

So. I had no luck with @snell’s code so I went back to my own. I still have to clean it up and send the button events, but it pairs easily and logs every button press

One interesting thing is when the button is pressed after not being used for a short time I get a message from endpoint 00 (all the button messages are on 08). I may just ignore it, but didn’t know if there was anything useful going on there.

Mystery Message

[raw:catchall: 0000 0013 00 00 0040 00 494D 00 00 0000 00 00 994D499BE64F04006F0D0000, profileId:0000, clusterId:0013, clusterInt:19, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:494D, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[99, 4D, 49, 9B, E6, 4F, 04, 00, 6F, 0D, 00, 00]]

Button Press

[raw:catchall: 0104 0501 08 01 0040 00 494D 01 00 0000 00 00 03303030303132333400, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:08, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:494D, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[03, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 00]]

I found a page on the site that describes the cluster 0x13 as a "ZDO Device announce" broadcast... The data is [ 8 bit sequence number] + [16 bit address] + [64 bit address] + [ capability]. The 16 and 64 bit addresses are LSB and, as you discovered (NICE CATCH!!!! - All the other driver attempts missed that!) need to be byte reversed to be usable on HE... The info does not provide guidance on what should (or needs to) be done with the packet...

So... Now that you have discovered the secret... I did some testing...

I have an Almond plus that I have had a Fob attached to... I sits about 30 feet away from my desk, and has two gypsum walls in between... I can pair the Fob to the Almond plus from my desk... first time, every time...

My HE is located in the same room as the Almond plus, about 5 feet from the Almond plus (the room is a 6' x 6' utility closet)... same two gypsum walls in-between... In order to pair the Fob to the HE, I have to actually be IN the room with the Hubitat. It also does not detect button presses unless

I can pair other devices (IE: Light bulbs) from my desk... So I don't know what the issue is... but It makes the Fob kinda useless when used with HE...

I found early on that the Fob does NOT like to pair with the HE but once it does it usually needs to be configured first before it does (or responds) to anything else. Still have not worked that out in my code (which is maybe why mine did not seem to work). But usually it was detected as a Moisture sensor so I just hit configure there, then switched it to my driver.

Were you using the SecurifiKeyFob.groovy driver I made? I was checking on mine and it seems to be working fine, but I noticed some other items so I have made a couple changes and updated to version 0.2. That would should actually configure as well.

As for 0013 I do not handle it yet but it increments each time a button is pressed after there has been a pause. Even the "*" button that does not report otherwise. So I am thinking that might be a way to "see" that button, if no other button reports. Not implemented yet though.

I had to dig through several posts/drivers to get to the point where it pairs successfully and reads the button presses. There's several things that I still don't entirely understand how it works on the zigbee side that I want to read up on to understand better

This post - Went back to smarthings [But came back] - #145 by vjv clued me on to changing my configure function

From this (ST)

def configure(){
	log.debug "Config Called"
	def configCmds = [
		"zcl global write 0x500 0x10 0xf0 {${device.zigbeeId}}", "delay 200",
		"send 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} ${endpointId} 1", "delay 1500",
		"zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} ${endpointId} 0x01 0x0501 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 500",
		"zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} ${endpointId} 1 1 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"
	return configCmds

To this (plus adding the two functions (swapEndianHex and reverseArray)

def configure(){
	String zigbeeId = swapEndianHex(device.hub.zigbeeId)
	log.debug "Config Called"
	def configCmds = [
		"zcl global write 0x500 0x10 0xf0 {${zigbeeId}}", "delay 200",
		"send 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x08 1", "delay 1500",
		"zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x08 0x01 0x0501 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 500",
		"zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x08 1 1 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"
	return configCmds

From there, I needed to figure out what was different in how to respond to the enroll request:

Eventually I found this driver: HubitatPublic/examples/drivers/haloSmokeCoDetector.groovy at master · hubitat/HubitatPublic · GitHub that clued me into the fact that for Hubitat, the enroll is super simple


Rather then adding it to the configure cmd like that driver does, I decided to add it into my parse function

if (description?.startsWith("enroll request")) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "RECEVED ENROLL REQUEST: ${description}"
        List cmds = zigbee.enrollResponse(1200)
        result = cmds?.collect { new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE) }

Once I did that, reset, and re-paired, it all worked.

@snell - I did try that Securifi driver. One thing I noticed right off the bat is that you have a different fingerprint, which probably is why it's not detecting correctly. It looks like you were still using the almond click fingerprint


fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0013, 0402, 0500, 0501, 0B05", outClusters: "0019", manufacturer: "Securifi", model: "ZB2-BU01", deviceJoinName: "Almond Click"


fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000,0003,0500", outClusters: "0003,0501", manufacturer: "Sercomm Corp.", model: "SZ-KFB01", deviceJoinName: "Securifi Key Fob"

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Frames tagged with profileId 0000 are ZDO messages and in the context of this driver should be ignored.

Ha! That fingerprint error is because I used to have them all combined and identified by model. Then I separated the buttons out because driver capabilities are not dynamic... Then I split the Keyfob and click drivers apart due to differences... And did not notice I deleted the wrong fingerprint. Thanks! I will get that corrected tonight. I typically set the driver per device specifically rather than rely on it being detected. Guess I need to remove and add them more often.

Plus, the configure information is interesting. Have to review that more.

Ok, my Securifi KeyFob driver is now fixed for the fingerprinting and I added the enroll as version 0.3.

I also have the workaround for the * button, based on if an 0013 is called without another button being reported within a second. So basically someone can only press (and expect to work) the * button if nothing (including *) has been pressed for ~10 seconds. Better than nothing though.

Somewhere in this thread it was mentioned that the AL-KFB01 keyfob has been discontinued... Dunno about the offical manufacturing status, but

they are still readily available from Canada, and
being Zigbee, they will work anywhere in the world (with @snells driver)

Securifi Key Fob, AL-KFB01-CA | (bit pricey!!)

I have a securifi key fob that is detected by hubitat as a device I have installed your [Securifi KeyFob driver] is there anything else I need to do ? Currently for the device this is what I see.

is there anyway that a rule I create can see the 4 buttons separately and initiate different actions,

In Rules you can set a Button as the Trigger capability. It will as which button to trigger off of and what the value (pushed, held, double Tapped, etc...) happened. You could create Rules with as many of these as you want.

You can also set up a Rule with a Trigger capability based on "Button Device". This will automatically make it have 4 buttons (because the fob has 4) and you can set actions for each. This one is a bit simpler if you want just an immediate action to set up.

However, this key fob only readily detects 3 buttons. The * CAN be detected under certain circumstances but only because of a workaround I figured out. It does not work like the rest do. So I would only recommend using the 3 other buttons for things you want to really work. If you use the button device, you can always ignore button 4 (*).

I appreciate the quick response to my query, its such a nice community to be in.
Using the trigger capability and "button device" I can see the four buttons I am presuming the order is as per the drop down list in the device. upper left lock = 1 and home =2 etc.
I created a rule to test it but doesn't seem to work when I go to the device and manually click on the push button it works fine have two actions 1 button puts the plug on the second one puts it off .( I haven't used button 3 or the *... But the actions don't excite from the key fob button . what could I be doing wrong this is the screen shot of my rule.

The plug I am using is a peanut( securifi) which operates pretty well. I have a bunch of them connected to an Alexa through the hubitat.

Oddly, I have not tried the Button Device one before and I am not even sure where my keyfobs wandered off to at this time... So...

Can you enable Debug level logging for the keyfob device (I just looked at the code... wow... this one has not been edited in some time, I never even moved it over to my current version standards) and post a copy of the log when you press button 1, then button 2 (you have the right idea about which one is which). Also, if you can edit the Rule to enable Logging there... that could help as well.

I have a bunch of Peanut Plug devices around also. First thing I want to make sure is that the keyfob is actually sending it's button presses.

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the key fob is sending the button presses yes... I checked in the device and every time I click a button the button press count goes up ( upto 4 then resets)

pasted here is the log when I press 1 and then 2

ClearPauseShow Past Logs


dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:55.061 am debug4buttonremote - Button presses = 2

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:55.057 am debug4buttonremote - MultiState Asterisk = true and Repeat = true

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:53.987 am debug4buttonremote - MultiState Asterisk = false and Repeat = null

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:53.983 am debug4buttonremote - clusterId = 0013, attrId = null - cmd = 00, data = [CF, 18, F3, 79, D7, 4F, 04, 00, 6F, 0D, 00, 00]. value = null

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:44.201 am debug4buttonremote - Button presses = 1

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:44.197 am debug4buttonremote - MultiState Asterisk = true and Repeat = true

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:43.159 am debug4buttonremote - MultiState Asterisk = null and Repeat = null

dev:1712020-10-12 09:55:43.156 am debug4buttonremote - clusterId = 0013, attrId = null - cmd = 00, data = [CE, 18, F3, 79, D7, 4F, 04, 00, 6F, 0D, 00, 00]. value = null

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

Good to know the driver is working properly at least. So the Rule is not triggering from them though... I will find one of mine and try the Button Device Rule so I can try to give some insight.

yes the driver is working properly
and if I click on the push button for the key fob in "devices" it does execute the related action.
The key fob press is not translating to the action in the Rule. You think I am doing something wrong there? I tried both " switch on" plug , as well as "toggle" plug . Toggle would be better so one button could do both on and off.. Eventually I want to try putting on a virtual switch that Alexa would recognize like I use with the smart things button.

Exact same issue here. If I set up single rules in RM of set all 3 buttons up as a Button Device nothing happens when I hit any of the buttons. Like you said if I use the button in the device driver it works like a charm.

Were you able to get it working?


Somehow I missed the response from @sharadn... Not sure what is going wrong though and I will be honest I totally lost track of this.

Trying to find a key fob right now...

Thanks would be great if we can get this going :slight_smile: