Schlage Zwave connect not working after update


for now.

Dont look at it

Don't think about it.

Don't speak its name

Same thing ,needed two commands to fire.

Turned of logging/debug. Then sent one command, when it failed, hit config, refresh, save and now it works on one command.

I was curious what those buttons did. Anywhere I can read how the refresh/config buttons work?

Edit: Works on device page, but automations dont work

edit 2: trying any automation makes it not work on device page either.

Refresh/config less reliable operation now. Works 50% of time.


Well I would say the automation is the trouble now.
I would guess that selecting configure sets it and makes it work from the device page again.
what is your automation?
refresh just looks at what the lock state is
configure sets default settings

Hubitat documentation

So I rolled back to .148 and it works fine now.

So I again updated my hub to the latest update and the zwave lock is non compliant again. I emailed Hubitat support and the only response I got is that they have told their engineering team and to check the forums for possible fixes.

Is there a way to repeat requests for a device in RM or webcore? The lock works just fine as long as you send two requests. A single request does nothing. So if I could set up rules that sent two back to back requests to lock or unlock it would be a bandaid until its fixed again.

Might want to take a look at the Reliable Lock app....

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Hey thanks for the tip. I will check that out!

Hi Cropgun!
I have the exact same issue with a Schlage BE469: Every command needs to be sent twice.
About automation: If you create rules with RM you can easily repeat the same command as often as needed. Works in my case.


So I implemented reliable locks as suggested and the situation has drastically improved. Once in a while it will get hung up and take 30 seconds or so to follow a lock or unlock command but typically its near instant and I haven't had to fiddle with it since.

Just my opinion but I think it's really weird that it's pretty much agreed all around that the schlage ZP lock consistently requires two commands to fire and there isn't any acknowledgment from hubitat or schlage that I can find. Reliable locks is a great app but it's just a bandaid solution for what I consider an unforgivable bug (I sent the new ZP model back and got the zigbee instead).

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