Schlage lock problems

To back this up, I had a Leviton z-wave plus plug that I threw in the trash because it refused to report state back to the hub correctly. So it wouldn't surprise me if it was messing up your mesh. I replaced mine with the GE version and had no more issues.


Unless you knew exactly how something was routing previously and how it is routing now, it may not mean anything. On the outside, the older devices certainly look like they could have been a contributing factor. What are the Gen 1 devices?
This could be an opportunity to replace older devices. Without older devices in your network, it will gain new capabilities and be faster.

Switches : Leviton Decora DZS15
Plugs : Leviton Decora DZR15

Made edits to my post, found the model numbers.

The Leviton plug I had was the DZPD3. Absolute piece of junk. I haven't bought any Leviton smart devices since.

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Both these devices show as beaming capable. Whether they were working properly or actually involved in your issue is too hard to tell without actual testing. I would just take the opportunity to replace them with newer Plus devices. Good luck with the new home,


Just to add to this, if you look at the Leviton documentation, many of the older devices require an additional device to properly exclude them. Not to mention the problems you can run into with old devices mixed in. I know Z wave is supposed to be backward compatible but let’s face it, they upgraded their devices for a reason. Technologies are refined and improved all the time. We can’t expect to use devices that are really old and based on old technology and all the techniques and expect them to work happily with modern devices with absolutely no consequence. Technologies are refined and improved all the time. We can’t expect to use devices that are really old and based on old technology and old techniques, and still expect them to work happily with modern devices with absolutely no consequences. It’s just a completely unrealistic expectation.

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It would be funny if all these Schlage problems are actually due to some other device bombing out the network...

Reminds me of this...

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This actually is not unheard of... It does happen and really weird and crazy things can happen on a z-wave network from even a single device going nuts.


And this is true of Zigbee too. We shouldn’t put either one on a pedestal


I don't think you could refer to a lock as a witch. :slight_smile:

Zwave was originally an installer product not DIY. The trained installer would test before during and after to verify connectivity etc. With DIY, we don't generally have the expertise nor the tools to diagnose issues that often do compromise our networks.

Yeah, and that’s not my locks pointy nose, it’s a false one!

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Thanks all! Considering I'm moving into a custom built home and I'm using all Lutron Caseta products, I may put the Leviton's aside for non-essential places like a shed or basement bathroom.

Well, generally I think the point they're getting at with the recommendation is to remove them from the Z-Wave network entirely. Like, send them to a recycling center in the sky. :wink:

Sounds like they have caused issues on the Z-Wave mesh for a number of people and aren't worth the headaches.

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I find it interesting that so many are complaining about the Schlage lock. Mine for the most part works perfectly and has done so for the past year at least on hubitat.

But, one thing I learned through a couple tries is that EVERY time I do a z-wave repair on the hub, my schlage lock stops working properly for a while. I have never had to re-pair it to the network, but it stops working to the point I start replacing batteries, moving repeaters, and rebooting my hub.

It eventually comes back to normal working order and I make a mental note not to try a z-wave repair again, whixh I eventually forget about and do anyway.

TLDR: Just don't initiate any manual z-wave repairs and you should be fine. I can only assume the hub's implementation of z-wave repair is not fully featured.

I've got two of the z-wave plus units coming to replace the old NX units under warranty. I'm going to put them on their own hub and use hub connect to tie things together. If that doesn't work, off to ebay they go!

As we have mentioned in the past, so far Hubitat staff have been unable to replicate any of the issues that users have reported with these locks.

It seems there are a number of firmware versions specifically for the BE469, the sample we have is running 0.8.0, which despite the odd versioning seems to be the latest.

We are in need of the radio modules for other firmware versions so we can at least see if these issues are related to firmware and perhaps provide some fixes...

If anyone is willing to provide their old modules for testing, please pm me.
We are specifically looking only for the older zwave radio firmware modules for the be469 locks, thanks.


I don't think they have user replaceable modules.

@zarthan - when you're done with testing, could you ship your BE469 with an older FW to @mike.maxwell? I'll pay for shipping .....


Yeah, I'm seeing that now...



I have a couple BE469's with the 6.8 firmware that is known to be bad. You can have one if to test with if you'd like. They're both out of service.