Using the Generic Z-Wave driver, the Schlage FE599 lock is not registering keypad PIN events. (i.e. unlock)
This means the lock never reports that it was unlocked from the keypad, or by whom.
Enabling debug mode, I can see where the driver is ignoring the event.
[dev:361]( 11:25:18.651 am [warn]( zAlarmType:0, zAlarmEvent:0, alarmType:16]
[dev:361]( 11:25:18.650 am [debug]( AlarmReport(alarmLevel:1, alarmType:16, eventParameter:[], numberOfEventParameters:0, zensorNetSourceNodeId:0, zwaveAlarmEvent:0, zwaveAlarmStatus:0, zwaveAlarmType:0)
dev:3612018-12-27 11:25:18.646 am debugparse: zw device: 4C, command: 9881, payload: 00 71 05 10 01
This functionality was present in SmartThings so I ported over the SmartThings lock driver and it works now. The drawback is that there are architectural changes in hubitats lock code management so those features do not work.
It would be great if support for this alarmReport were added to the stock driver as the lock otherwise works fine.
Edit: Even with the modified ST driver, it seems that Lock Code Manager is still not logging the usage of the code slots.
dev:4412018-12-27 11:38:20.772 am info[DTH] parse() - returning result=[[name:lock, value:unlocked, isStateChange:true, descriptionText:Unlocked by "{code=????, name=Steve}", data:[codeId:1, usedCode:1, codeName:{code=????, name=Steve}, method:keypad, lockName:Lock, Side Entrance]]]
I have 3 of these locks so it would be nice to get the functionality on par with ST.
@mike.maxwell, is this anything you can look into?