
Any chance I could get a schematic of the C7? Looking for other opportunities to tweak stuff. I already checked on the memory and it's already using the largest supported memory modules but maybe there are some other areas I could improve upon. I have no intention of starting up my own hub company or anything. This is more about exploring the possibilities for mods such as the external antennas.

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I agree it would be fun, since I can read and understand schematics too. :slight_smile:

But I fear they may not actually have them given it's designed for them. However, the good news these days is that with a bill of materials, it's likely there's only two ways to interconnect the bunch of parts. The CPU manufacturer has first approximations for their chip, memory of course only wires up one way these days, the Z-Radio modules are similarly sold with significant first approximation wiring.

I'm eagerly awaiting the answer :smiley:


Battery backup using a coin cell. Not necessarily enough to run the hub for a prolonged period, but enough to buffer glitches and dropouts.


This would be badass! My Unifi Cloud Key Gen 2+ does this. You unplug the power and stays on and triggers a shut down sequence


That actually seems like it would be easy to setup too. On battery event trigger safe shutdown. AC restore would automatically power it back on.


Yea, that's how I figured out the compatible memory modules and available sizes based off the CPU.

I was interested in exploring secondary storage connection possibilities to offload some of the apps to make more room available to system memory but I'm sure there are other possibilities also. Hard to do without a schematic or mapping out the board though and I'm kind of lazy with a good helping of OCD.

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