I'm looking for a bi-weekly notification every Thursday evening starting February 27. How do I make the interval with Rules machine?
If the hub is restarted, will it continue to work?
Thank you for your help
I'm looking for a bi-weekly notification every Thursday evening starting February 27. How do I make the interval with Rules machine?
If the hub is restarted, will it continue to work?
Thank you for your help
I have a rule doing this where trigger is to run every week but I use private Boolean to skip every other week.
In other words check its value and if false send your notification and then set to true else just set it to false and rule will fire the following week.
Definitely yes. However, if you're not the trusting sort, or prefer a belt-and-suspenders approach, you could use some dateTime arithmetic to double-check that a given Thursday matches your intended schedule:
What's more, this rule can match other "Thursday of every N weeks" patterns just by changing the number of minutes in the modulo (%) step. (It could even be modified easily to do "Every N days" if desired.)
Of course, Rich's method (above) is simpler for alternating weeks by flip-flopping a Boolean value.
This is another one of those cases where Webcore is just easier.
Just FYI, I don't expect you to switch to Webcore, but just pointing this out.
Thank you guys for all these suggestion. From rule to rule, I'm beginning to understand better the way of thinking we need to use in our approaches.
I had tried with the cron method, but in what I had found it included a regular expression and so I couldn't see how to use that. Thanks to all!