I have been experiencing a problem with schedules not working.
This applies to all applications. I believe that I have tried all recommended fixes to resolve this.
I have un-installed all custom applications and performed soft resets many times.
When I look at the scheduled jobs tab on the log page, I see may jobs for applications that were scheduled last January. I know how to clear device schedules by temporarily setting type to Device, however I do not know how to clear schedules for applications.
This was happening last year on my C5 hub and I was thinking the it would be resolved by migrating to a new C7 hub, however the problem has persisted.
At one point I did a factory reset on my C5 (old platform) without reloading backups and schedules started working correctly. I understand this is likely related to some problem with my applications or database. I think the database was corrupted at some point, however a soft reload does not seem to clear the problem.
I have spend many hours clearing jobs that are scheduled to run in the past (by changing Device type to type Device or pressing Done from applications to cause them to unschedule /reschedule) however in each case the job did not run even though the newly scheduled time was in the future. I have also spend many hours searching Hubitat community forms and many weekends trying to resolve the problem. I think my database is corrupted at this point.
I'm nearly ready to resort to a factory reset on the C7 primary hub and starting over with pairing Devices, scenes (room lighting now) and rules, other applications.
Both my C5 and C7 hubs have protect plans and cloud backups.
Please let me know what additional information would be helpful. Any advice or Ideas would be greatly appreciate
Also, since upgrading to attempts to do a soft reset fail
Unknown Error is displayed.
I had previously created a ticket last February and received boilerplate advice about doing a soft reset and other troubleshooting that I had already attempted.
Please let me know what additional information would be helpful. Any advice or Ideas would be greatly appreciated.