Schedule Hub Zwave Repair with Rule Machine

Wow something is wrong with your setup, if you truly believe that statement. I will give you that the hubitat Z radios are not as strong and it needs some repeater help, but that statement is way off. IMO and experience with both hubs.

That is a lot of hubs. Are you counting your Lutron devices? If you are using Lutron for lighting you may not have enough line power Z-wave + devices to create a strong mesh. When I replaced my Z+ switches with Lutron the mesh suffered. I had to add Aeotec repeaters to get things back up to snuff.

I have since started replacing all my outlets (sockets) with either Z+ or ZB to create a strong underlining mesh for each protocol. I run about 200 devices on 1 hub with no issues (if we are including Lutron with is not really "on the hub") You should not need that many hubs unless you have out buildings far away or something. You can I just think it is not needed.

Not that you do not know, but check out