Save our eyes! Option for Dark Theme or at least a less intense background

Can we get an option for a dark thme for the hub interface? Or at least tone that intense white down a bit? Even a darker neutral gray would be an improvement. I have (quite literally) used the Hubitat web interface as a flashlight in a pinch rather than fumbling for the flashlight app). I know this has been requested before, and usually the community response is to use an extension like dark reader, and while that does for the most part work, it has its draw backs as well.


Just changing it to a softer white like the Zigbee Map app would be easier on the eyes.


+1 for this. I have been using dark reader in chrome, and it does work pretty well. Though I don't have dark reader on my phone, and the page is still annoyingly bright when I try to use my phone to tweak or monitor something. Would be nice to have it integrated, makes for a much more seamless transition between different devices. At least my phone screen is more manageable than my large 32" monitors burning my retinas late at night when I load a light webpage :sunglasses:

I'll add my points for dark reader, but built-in dark is always cooler.... :wink:

I'll add in the aesthetic of listening to "This Is Our House" by Bon Jovi... Which sounds more mundane than it sounds....

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I'll add that if you listen to any credible rock'n'roll from the 70's to the late 90's you'll likely be in the right mood to enter into the beta group. Or if you listen to :Lay Your Hands On Me" by Jon Bon Jovi.... :slight_smile:

If not, just sit back, relax and enjoy what you see, offering any observations you make along the way....


Dark mode everywhere baby. :slight_smile:
I grew up on green and orange screens on a black backgound.
Todays white screens with poor contrasting text drives my eyes bonkers.
Just nice to have a choice these days.


++ 1 for this!

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All of my screens at work are green or white on black. There are a couple system that have a medium gray background. Im also one of the crazies that doesn't turn the lights in my pod on either.