Samsung is bringing SmartThings to Android Auto

Given my experience with smartthings, my first thought was 'great, software that's going to crash my car every other day'.



First of all, please read where I was "excited" about anything and copy/paste it as a response. That was a bit of an assumption that was stated as an accusation. I prefaced my comment that my opinion was a presumption. However, it was in response to an assumption that a few people made that the only reason to want better integration between home hubs and Android Auto was to "press buttons on a screen"

I have the virtual switches as well. However, I know for a fact that you are not hearing your notifications from Hubitat or Smartthings while you are driving, unless you are using something to get around that like tasker. This was my point. Android Auto suppresses all notifications except for apps they approve while the phone is connected to AA.

My hope is not about controls. I can do that already by voice using the same virtual switches you recommend. My hope is that they open up the app to be able to receive notifications so that I will know I need to use the voice command without having to have a script running on my phone all the time monitoring my phone notifications (something I should not have to do).

The reality is that google will likely let us down with that anyhow. But, it's nice to hope. In the meantime, I am not presuming to put safety concerns out there based on an assumption to what I perceive to be the only "reason" someone would want better integration. And I certainly wouldn't presume that just because I feel like something can't be done safely, that others also could not. I would rather have the option and not use it (by choice) than want something that I cannot have because someone else might have trouble using it safely.


Really? How would Google know if a virtual switch was tied to a lock via a rule in RM or piston in WebCoRE? I would think it should just see it as a switch, right?

I'll have to look but I’m referring to mode change. When add the virtual switch to google app either it wouldn’t load or would not function until I added a second switch. I think I am using rm in that case.