How do you abstract the application ID for various apps that natively run or can be downloaded. I have xfinity TV and Youtube TV that I am trying to have simplify the integration into. Please advise if there is some sort of debug or if I packet capture (TCPDUMP) on my WAN port to determine this information. I have both 2020 and 2019 Samsung TIZEN OS TV's/
I just bought a Samsung "Frame" TV because of your integration. The work you've done here looks fantastic. Going to be playing with this tonight / tomorrow. @djgutheinz
Started using Mirror Me along with HubConnect and the ST's TV devices to help keep the remote in sync. Also added the community app Boot Me Up Scottie for the WOL aspect. With all these it's become pretty reliable now.
What is Mirror Me? I was using HubConnect with my ST hub and Boot Me Up Scottie, but I found the problem with ST losing connection more annoying than anything... Looking to maybe put a zigbee plug on the end of each TV so I can "restart" them when that happens... Samsung really sucks at all this... I have one Vizio TV outside and the Community Vizo driver on here works phenomenal.
This driver works great for control, but I also want to see if the TV is on or not so I can power it off when gone... Hoping this driver gets there soon. I know the OP is pretty busy so I'm glad for his work so far.
Mirror me is a built-in app that sends the on or off command depending on the parent device in this case the ST side TV. So that if the TV is turned on or off outside of this driver it changes the state for you so when you for example tell it to turn off the TV it's already set to on and Google or Alexa will take the off command. I use a zigbee plug to reset the problematic Living Room TV with the external smarthub for the TV daily around 5am. I may add a zigbee plug to the twins tv also at some point but it's been working really well so far.
Living Room Samsung TV is the ST side copied over from ST using HubConnect. Living Room TV is the Hubitat side using the Samsung Hubitat TV Integration driver.
Also have it turn on the TV when the wife takes a bath in the evening and off when she leaves but I'm reworking the rule a bit so don't have an example at the moment.
There is an update coming in the next week. Will clean up what was talked about earlier in this thread plus add the following already tested on my 2020 and 2015 sets.
Love the driver! Any possibility to change the name from "Hubitat-Samsung Remote" to something like "Samsung TV"? The "Hubitat" is redundant in the HE environment and makes identifying the driver less intuitive. And it's not really a remote, unless you control the TV from the device page. Thanks!
Yes. I will add a poll frequency. Thinking fastest will be every minute. Could do faster (like the Kasa devices) - but may cause Hub performance (stability) issues.
Maybe add an option for user selectable frequency so they can adjust if they want more frequent or less if their hub is heavily loaded. 1 minute is plenty fast enough for me though.
Nothing implemented, YET. By I do plan on trigger items when the TV is on or off. For example, when I get my blinds automated, I have a window that puts a glare on my TV. When I turn the TV, I will have it close the blinds on that window.
Then there might be lighting adjustments, and so on.