Samsung button - update on driver or firmware fix for repeated commands?


I have had Samsung button for many years, and dealt with flakiness for some time on ST hub due to repeated commands. I dealt with it by assigning definite actions to press/long-press/double-press, rather than using toggle or other commands that automation might infer by sequence of presses. HE logs show 2 additional events about 2 and 4 seconds after first one, and none of my 16 other zigbee devices do this, including 3 in the same room.

Now that I see same behavior on HE, and have read a few much older posts about firmware and/or driver issues, I was wondering if someone could provide current best known method to correct this?

I have old ST hub in my junk drawer if it's needed to D/L firmware (only thing keeping me from taking it out to the field and going all "office space" on it is that it might be useful for something like this).

My current BKM to toggle is a bit wonky using rules, and a virtual device (myButton-pause) that is set to automatically turn itself off after 5 s:

I'd really like to just fix this if anyone has a solution to update firmware and/or driver.

My recollection is that duplicate button events after the button had been dormant for a while was a problem with early firmware on this device, and a subsequent firmware update (shortly after release in 2018, I think?) fixed it. The only way I know if to update the devices is to use SmartThings, which it sounds like won't be a problem for you. Firmware updates do have to be enabled on the device or hub, but I'm not sure how that works in the current ST app. You can probably tap around and figure it out if you're not sure.

I believe the firmware version is show and "softwareBuild" under the "Data" section on "Device Details" on the device detil page. Mine shows

  • softwareBuild : 00000011

... which I believe is a newer/unaffected version. Something else may have been released since then, but I remember updating all of mine that I could to avoid this. The previoud build was something like 0B.

I think the firmware I have ends in 14 or 16, but I can’t say for sure since I’m not home. One of the updates was for battery life complaints IIRC. Either way, I also have not experienced any problems like the op described. One of mine lives in the refrigerator in the garage as a temp sensor for a couple years now. I would buy more if they were still cheap and easily available.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 14
  • firmwareMT: 1241-0040-00000014
  • manufacturer: Samjin
  • model: button
  • softwareBuild: 00000014
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Thanks, guys. My "Data" in HE device page with built-in driver only shows:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 14
  • manufacturer: Samjin
  • model: button

Does it mean I already have firmware that should correct this (14)? Have I got different driver that my HE is showing neither firmwareMT nor softwareBuild, or is this from your ST data?

It does not happen only after long idle, but every time. Same behavior for double tap. Always 2 repeats.

I do have SiLabs USB stick if this could be helpful to diagnose, or correct the issue.

This is what mine shows in HE using the Samsung Zigbee Button driver

Maybe try hitting “configure” on the device page, or resetting the button and rejoining it.

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No dice. Same, still missing firmwareMT and softwareBuild fields, and still getting 2x repeat. Still shows "application: 14", which seems to correlate to firmware ver.

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