Safety Monitor

So Iā€™m finally at a point to start using the Safety Monitor feature.

However, Iā€™m not certain how to activate it/deactivate logically.

  • both my wife and I are not home, and thereā€™s no motion. Activate Away.

(This scenario wonā€™t work. We have other people during the day that come and go.)

  • Bed time routine. Activate Night that only watch contact sensor.

(What if I need to run out to grab something from my car? Then a siren goes off because I open a door)

These are some examples. Iā€™m wondering how other people are using the safety feature.


I have it setup to use ā€˜Presenceā€™ for my Wife and my, comings and goingā€™s during the day and 95% of the time it works great.
That ā€œotherā€ 5% is for lose things like ...I had a sensor fall of the crawl space door and that caused a few false messages, activations etc.
At night, sure, when you have to break the perimeter you have to change the mode or have some means of deactivating ā€œtheā€ sensor your going to trip.

This would work, but we have other people coming and going without any presence setup for them.

I wonder if getting these people key fobs would help? With key fobs, do you have to press a button or will Hubitat see it join the network the second you walk up to the house?

How do these other people get in and out of the house? Do you have smart locks or keypads setup? You could set rules that arm/disarm the system based upon when a smart lock is opened by a code or a keypad code is used.

No I do not. I've stayed away from smart locks. I just don't trust them. :slight_smile:

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LOL, fair enough (mine have never failed me, but I make sure to always buy them with keys just as a backup).

You could do key fobs, or if these are people known to you, some sort of presence based upon their phones (using Life360 or something like that).

I can't imagine them being comfortable with me seeing where they are. :slight_smile:

I think it boils down to two options really.

  • Tablet on wall
  • Keyfobs
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A tablet could work as well along with the dashboard. I tend to stay away from key fobs (I have two right now) just because they are battery suckers and when the battery gets low (<50%) then tend to misreport on some models (SmartThings in particular). There are battery "mods" that can be performed on these, but carrying them then becomes a PITA.

You could also see if you can find an Iris v2 keypad on ebay

Keyad is probably the easiest and most logical way to arm/disarm @mik3. I have a keypad at every entrance, multiple wall mount tablets, phone dashboards and still have false alarm once.