Safari password autofill not working with hubitat.local login

Hi! Just checking to see if you are seeing the same issue. Since updating to iOS 17, I noticed that the password auto fill doesn’t work any more when trying to log into hubitat.local. Anyone else noticed this?

Seems like others are noticing this on iOS 17, possibly a bug or undocumented change? Seems to be any .local address (and nothing specific to Hubitat), while an IP works.

Have you tried using LastPass ? That works for me. Download LastPass | LastPass

Have you tried taping in the field so you get the context menu (the same menu you get cut/copy/paste/ select/ select all from) and then choosing passwords from there (it's not on the dashboard like it used to be)? I stumbled across that one a few days ago. Hubitat isn't the only site that does that. As a backup I use pass. They don't store your password on their servers, just on your device, and don't have the option to reset your master password if your forget it. The downside is if you forget your master password you are up a creek, Ask me how I know. But I generally find Apple's passwords easier to use than another password manager I've used.

LastPass has been compromised. As a retired CISSP, I really recommend against using it. The built-in password manager/key manager in MacOS/iOS/TvOS/iPadOS is much safer than LastPass and other 3rd party apps. A safer workaround is using the IP address. You should be using a static (or reserved) IP address anyway.

Dude.... the development code was accessed and that was mitigated. Spreading false info is really disgraceful.

Not false info. You might disagree, and that's fine. I'm not alone in my recommendation here. Most people use a free version of LastPass and that means that they are the product. Still Using LastPass? You Need to Do These 5 Things - CNET

And it is not disgraceful to bring attention to potential new users that there's a lot of reasons to avoid LastPass. I too have recommended it others. But things change. Everyone has to decide their own risk tolerance. You've decided you can trust LastPass. Many disagree. It's not "disgraceful" to give a warning. Jeremi M Gosney :verified:: "I recently wrote a post detailing the recent #Las…" - Infosec Exchange

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