Running a Hubitat Rule from a "foreign" Amazon Alexa?

I have a specific case where I want my daughter, who has her own Amazon Alexa setup (on a separate account) to be able to trigger a Hubitat rule. In other words, her Amazon Alexa isn't on the same account as my Amazon Alexa. (This is for other biological, not technical, reasons)

Use Case: I just finished automating the "stair chair" (she's disabled) so it can be "brought up" or "sent down" by saying, "Alexa, send down (bring up) the chair" ... (Used a Shelly UNI wired up inside of one of the stair chair remote controls - to "push" the up or down button)

That works fine and can be controlled by my Alexa devices. It's done by exposing a Hubitat Virtual Switch and when the Alexa turns the switch on, it kicks off the needed RM5 rule.

It would be nice if she also could "bring up / send down" the chair from her Amazon Alexa's.

I'm trying to think of a way that could happen -- but can't come up with a creative method.


It does not appear you can have a second instance of the Amazon Echo Skill app on a hub, that was my first thought.

What about using IFTTT? Its free for a small number of actions, you would only need one. not sure if there will be a way to trigger it without a virtual device though.

If you have any sort of always-on server you already use, could probably be done with Node-Red.

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Could you just link her account to the UNI with the Shelly skill and then make a couple of routines in her account?

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I was pondering IFTTT as a solution. But I thought that the Hubitat integration to that had been turned off or was crippled in some way for new connections'? Something like that?

I don't mind using IFTTT if that would be a solution. (I have other IFTTT stuff going on).

That would work good also, a direct link from the Shelly to her Alexa.

I also found this in IFTTT, so you could setup two triggers in IFTTT then have that control the virtual device via IFTTT to Hubitat integration. Its adding an extra cloud element and sort of a hack but might work in a pinch until something better is figured out.


I think it was only crippled in the sense that you are limited to 3 custom applets unless you pay for the the Pro subscription on IFTTT.

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@bjcowles -- there's some safety aspects of this that I think only Hubitat can do. Like "if both up and down are called at the same time, turn off everything", "don't let the down (or up) button run for more than 40 seconds", etc.

I have RM5 rules for all of the safety aspects -- so I'm really preferring to be able to kick off a RM5 rule to accommodate all the interlocks, etc.

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Ahh- makes sense!

I've pondered on some really hacky-things. Like having her having a Alexa-controlled plug (on her Alexa) which triggers a relay (110v to dry contact) to control a door sensor thingy on my network (my Hubitat). That's highly convoluted. And would need two -- one for up, one for down.

I'd highly like some sort of "virtual/digital" way to do this -- not hacky-hardware-ish.

Some outside-the-box alternative approaches come to mind:

Method 1
Create Alexa routine that responds to spoken phrase by sending a notification to (her) Alexa app on Android.
Have Tasker** or another mobile automation app trigger off that exact message by sending an HTTP GET request to (your) Hubitat's RM rule, using its (cloud) URL.

**Bonus: Tasker lets you place a shortcut to any task on your phone's Home screen.

Method 2
Roll your own Alexa Skill, designed to send that RM URL directly.
See How To send a local HTTP-Request with Alexa? - Forums for tangible example.

Method 3
Use IFTTT, appropriately configured, to send that RM URL via webHooks.

NOTE: It's far more straightforward to do the opposite of what you seek β€” that is, call an Alexa routine by sending a custom URL β€” by installing this Smart Home skill.

@LibraSun -- I get the concept -- am unaware of the ability to "send a HTTP Get request using the Hubitat clould URL" -- gonna google on that one

Allow me...

The correct terminology I should have used is, "Create a Trigger in Rule Machine of the form 'Cloud End Point' and copy the web link it gives you."

This is a highly powerful, flexible trigger type in RM which is woefully underappreciated by most users, nor discussed much in the Forum.

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@LibraSun -- holy cow! I think that's spot on. Have her create an Alexa routine to trigger an IFTTT -- and have that IFTTT trigger my Hubitat via that "cloud point"

I'll give that a whirl (once she wakes up and can we can "play" together hooking up the pieces)

Would have NEVER thought up that idea.

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Good luck! That's how I employ Tasker (on Android) to send Caller ID information over to my Hubitat, which then passes it along to my PC monitor using EventGhost (which has a built-in On-Screen Display action) to parse the payload, all while flashing a Hue bulb behind my entertainment console (helps for the hearing-impaired to know that a call is coming in, or when cellphone muted, etc.).

As I said, very flexible trigger mechanism, esp. once you get RM involved.

Taking a different approach here, but why not use a Google device for integration for this chair automation purpose only. Keep her Alexa for whatever else, so that stays private.

Hey -- that's a creative idea also. That way I'm not exposing all my routines.. I thought of putting an Echo Dot down there -- but that would have exposed all my Alexa routines to it.

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HooHoo!!! "Cloud End Point" for the WIN !!!

Daughter set up IFTTT (was able to use the free, as we need just 2 routines) - added the Alexa skill for IFTTT to link it up.

One IFTTT trigger "if I say xxx" -- "Alexa, Trigger Bring up the Chair" -- sends the "Cloud End Point" URL GET needed

Another IFTTT trigger "if I say yyy" -- "Alexa,, Trigger Send down the Chair" -- sends a different URL GET

POOF -- other than a few second delay (expected) this works FAB.

For the record -- of all the WAF -- this one has been rated 12 stars. It is a royal PIA to stand there, and hold down the chair button for 40 seconds to send it up/down. We use it more for sending things up/down the stair (like laundry) than humans. LOL.

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Livin' the dream, man. Congrats! :heart:

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Congratulations, indeed!

If you would prefer a more-local solution, I think a second hub could be used. Not sure if it could be a 2nd HE.

I use both Hubitat Elevation and Home Assistant. It’s possible to share HE devices with HA. HA can be set to control HE devices. HA also integrates with Alexa. (Not as easily as with HE). So this Alexa skill on HA could be set up on another Amazon account.

It takes time and effort to bring it all together. So I’d stick with your IFFT method unless you become dissatisfied.

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