runEvery1Minute(refresh) generating error

Hopefully this is a simple fix. Anyone know a workaround or the correct hubitat syntax?
@chuck.schwer might need your expertise here again.



No signature of method: dev1522012292492307448138.runEvery1Minute() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [refresh] on line 516

Maybe runEvery1Minute('refresh') or runEvery1Minute("refresh")

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Tried it…nogo

We have 5, 15 and 30 minites, (runEveryxMinutes)
Schedule supports cron strings, and there’s sites on the web that will build them for you.

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Above my head but I will Google it and maybe learn something. Thanks for the feedback.

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@mike.maxwell I know I’m being a noob but can you provide the syntax for schedule. I used a website called cronmaker that generated " 0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *".
I then tried schedule( 0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *) with and without "
I get a similar error. The syntax structure would at least get me started and I think I can figure out the rest…eventually :blush:

Doing these edits from my phone with a 2 year on my lap so I need a little shortcut.

It is a string like you had, it just doesn't like that one.
Try this, create a periodic trigger in rm with the interval you want, save it, then hit the gear on the apps list page, at the very bottom right is the cron string rm generated...


Got it working. Thanks for the guidance @mike.maxwell.
Always good to learn something new.

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