Rules for fans based on climate control settings

Wondering if anyone else has a more elegant way of doing this. I am trying to have different fan behaviours based on the status of the climate control. If my AC is on, I want my ceiling fans on less (because the cold air moving around gets to be a little much) however, if my climate control is set to off, then I want the fans to be more aggressive. I have 4 ceiling fans. Rule for all 4 are identical.

What do you think?

Select Actions for F - Bedroom Fan Automation

IF (Dining Room thermostatMode(cool) off(F) [FALSE])
THEN IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 23.0(F) [FALSE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to off
ELSE-IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is > 23.0(T)
AND Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 25.0(F) [FALSE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to low
ELSE-IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is >= 25.0(T)
AND Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 27.0(T) [TRUE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to medium

ELSE-IF (Dining Room thermostatMode(cool) cool(T) [TRUE])
THEN IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 23.0(F) [FALSE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to off
ELSE-IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is > 23.0(T)
AND Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 27.0(T) [TRUE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to low
ELSE-IF (Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is > 27.0(F)
AND Temperature of Master Bedroom(25.2) is < 30.0(T) [FALSE])
THEN Set Fan Speed: Bedroom Fan to medium

I do something similar, but from the other direction. When my HVAC kicks in either cool or heat I run my fans on medium. I want that air circulated far and wide. After a few minutes I slow them down to low and shut them off a few minutes later. I don't run the dinning room fan if we're eating, so I use the light as a signal to not turn the fan on. Another rule actively turns off the fan when the light is turned on.

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