Rule with Haiku Fan

Trying to set a rule to trigger based on whether the Haiku fan is on or off but RM appears to not be reading the status correctly. I've tried configuring the condition as both a switch and the custom attribute (the attribute is switch), and it looks like it's reading the state as ON but still shows FALSE on the Rule.

Can't figure out what is going on, am i missing something or does RM just not working with this community driver (Haiku Fan (Big Ass Fans) support) ?


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@jared.zimmerman are you seeing this issue too by chance?

When you choose the trigger device choose fan

I'm not great with conditional rules, but I bet someone in the Rule Machine category could help.

in pseudocode you want

If [Fan] is off
Do X
Else (fan is on...)
Do Y

You could also do rules per fan speed if you wanted.

I just made a quick rule that flips a virtual switch when the fan is set to off, and it seems to work fine.

I'm trying to use a button to toggle the fan's light. But even when use the fan capability it's still not reading the state for some reason:

This worked fine for me, I just made a virtual switch that set the dimmer on the fan to on when the switch was on.

I just did it in Rule Machine to show you that you could, but you'd be better served using the Button Controllers app if you want to do anything more complex like dimming the light, rather than just simple on and off.

You were trying to control on/off which I think is the fan not the light, use the dimmer property for the light.

When fan does turn on
The light must now brighten
Is fan not happy

My first Fan Haiku. :upside_down_face:

Are you positive that the rule is executing? I've seen devices that only trigger when the state changes. For example a paddle switch might behave this way. If you press on - off - on you will get three events but if you press on - off - off you will only get two events. The last press won't report.

@jared.zimmerman the on/off is for the light though. the speed = off is for the fan:

I'll try it with the virtual switch, but it wouldn't be ideal as the light would always be 'on' just set to a dimmer level of 0.

If using the dimmer capability without a virtual it still doesnt work as it sees the dimmer level that would be set when the light is ON, even though it's off:


To be
or not to be....
i still cant do a Haiku

The rule is for sure executing. it's running the logic correctly, problem is it thinks the fan light is always ON when it's not:

OK, sorry, I kept rereading this and just now understood what you are saying, none of the device (Haiku fan) status' change when they're acted upon by another system (not hubitat) e.g. turning it on or off with the wall switch or app doens't reflect in hubitat. And since the hubitat driver doesn't seem to have a way to re-poll the fan their is no obvious way to update the status in hubitat so that they can be used as triggers. Did @zackrbrown weigh in on this somewhere else?

but the attribute on the driver does change when acted upon by hubitat, why isnt RM getting the correct status from that attribute?

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