I'm trying to control my IKEA Blinds (paired in HE) with a Sonoff SNZB-01 button controller. What I'd like to do is this:
Pushed Button -> open blinds
DoubleTapped Button -> close blinds
Held Button -> pause blinds
I tried using the Button Controller App which seems like it would work perfectly for my application, but after I select my Sonoff button controller in the app there's no action for the button press to open the blind. There are actions like turn on, turn off, toggle, set brightness, set mode, etc. But, there isn't an option to open, close, or pause.
Using the Rule Machine, I started to create an app that would be triggered by the button controller getting a push, double tapped, or held action. But, after that trigger I wasn't able to setup rules to distinguish if the action was a push, double tap or held action. I didn't see any way of identifying what action occurred. What I could do is create three separate rules for each of the actions, but I wanted to have one rule that could handle all three actions.
Does anyone have any advice on how to use the Button Controller App or a Rule Machine app to control my blind?