Rule showing false but is true?

@bravenel i have a rule that is automating my window blinds in my bathroom. Today I noticed the blind was down and did not open at sunrise per my rule.

Here is the full rule:

Here is the log from this morning.

Trying to understand why it skipped running. Everything was working up until this morning.

Is that all one rule? That's a lot of moving parts, and none of us know which button press is associated with open vs close.

Among all of those if-elses, which part exactly didn't work as intended?

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Push 6 is open and push 5 is close. The blind didn’t open at sunrise and it hasn’t opened since motion stops in the same room during the day. Push 5 is being skipped. In Lutron the blind shows closed which it is.

I see, the Else is all true but reporting false.... Odd

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Yes that’s what is perplexing me.

Ah, gotcha - thanks!

That said, it is right on the sunrise time, maybe that has something to do with it?

When I walk into the room and then motion goes inactive and it runs the rule again, it is skipping push 5 and I believe it’s due to the Else showing false when it should be true. I just don’t know why the else is false.

I see it now... Was something recently removed from that statement? You have two ANDs back-to-back as if there was once something between them? Or perhaps an extra AND was somehow inserted recently?

I think that double AND is what's screwing it up.

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Oh good catch. I did t even see that. Let me see if I can fix that.

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That was it! Thanks for a double set of eyes!!