Rule Share

I've always been interested in what others are doing with their Hubitat hubs... from simple automation's to the more complex. I am always looking for new ideas on how to automate things within my home... if you have automation's setup in your home that you find useful and/or cool, please share your rule! Thanks!

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Sorry, I canā€™t share my rules..
I donā€™t have a single RM rule running on any of my 4 active hubs :slight_smile:



You're so doing it wrong. :wink: LOL

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Iā€™m not saying there is anything wrong with RM or any other built-in app
They are probably coded far better than my efforts.
I just never bothered with it, usually quicker for me to write an app for what I want to do


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I know! I was giving you a hard time. :smiley:

As for the topic, all my rules are motion/contact/mode/activity rules. So, basically, every room has a motion rule (or multiple ones), a contact rule and then mode rules.

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This rule turns on my Master Bedroom lights based on various conditions.

Nice! Keep them coming!!!