Rule Running and Why?


I have a rule that runs which really should not be but I am at a loss as to why. The thermostat is not off but yet I got notified that it turned the ac on.

The idea was if I forgot to turn the AC on and the temp in the house raises above 76, turn the AC on and notify me.

I have looked this over a dozen times but I must be missing something.


It might help if you included a few more details:

What themostat / driver are you using
Turn on logging for both the rule and the device(s) and provide screenshots of the logs produced

But I agree, it is odd if it is still running....

Turn on all the logging in the rule and then next time it happens post the logs.

I would also add a required expression to the rule for the thermostat mode. That would prevent the rule from even triggering when the thermostat is not off. You could also add that slider contact to the required expression as well. Then both of those could be removed from the IF. You could probably just remove the IF all together at that point.

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@sburke781 You are right.. I am using an ecobee thermostat and the built in habitat driver..

Logging turned on.. It will happen tomorrow around 2:30 pm..

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Why is your trigger >= 75.0 degrees while your condition is >=76.0 degrees?

Here is what I would suggest

Add a Required Expression that includes

  • Slider Contact = Closed
  • Thermostat mode of Thermostat = Off


  • Temperature of Thermostat >= 76.0 and stays that way for 5 minutes


  • Thermostat Mode -> Cool AND
  • Notify Wayne

This should simplify your rule, make it easier to debug and maintain, and prevent the thermostat immediately going to cool mode if the temperature was to drop back down within the 5 minutes (or whatever amount of time you want)


@ogiewon thank you for the assist....

I didnt even catch that..

So using your recommendations here is the rule now

I will let you know tomorrow how it turns out...


Looks good. You can completely remove the IF statement and ENDIF from the actions. The required expression will take care of that. :sunglasses:

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That fixed it... Thank you!!!!!

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