Rule machine wont toggle

If i make a zigbee switch toggle in rule machine why does send only on commands?

It would help to clarify what version of the hub platform you're on, and maybe even a screenshot of the rule.

What specific device model is "fountain"?

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C7 latest firmware

You might want to include the exact firmware version (what you think is latest might not be). But I don't think that's the problem.

Can you provide the device page for 'fountain'?



There's no built-in driver by that name (Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug). You need to pose your question to the author of that custom driver.

All Rule Machine (or any other app) does is to issue a toggle() command to the device (as indicated by the logs you provided). It is up to the driver for that device to interpret toggle() and act upon the device.

Since this is not an issue with Rule Machine, I am closing this thread. And encourage you to post your question in the thread for the "Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug" driver.